General Listings
אגרות קודש חלק יא – Holy Letters, Volume 11
Igros Kodesh vol. 11, 5715 - Nisan
- 3381 - 3381 - Lesson from Giving Maot Chitim before Pesach and we start the Seder with "whoever is needy."א' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה שי' הכהן שאיעוויטש
- 3382 - Customs for the year of mourning have been published.א' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל מנחם מענדל שי' שניאורסאהן
- 3383 - The righteous women brought redemption from Egypt; they can do so today too.ראש חדש ניסן, תשט"ו - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד
- 3384 - Have your son's upsherin on his 3rd birthday, as it is an auspicious and successful day.ב' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה זלמן שי' העכט
- 3385 - In Lubavitch, the approach is not one of rebuke.ד' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3386 - The Rebbe responds to questions regarding some of the principles of Judaism.ד' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3387 - The Rebbe explains about the timing of bein hashmashot (twilight period).ה' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חיים מנחם שלמה שי' - דרוק
- 3388 - He Rebbe shares a thought with Rabbi Blumenfeld on the connection between Purim and Pesach.ה' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יוסף ברוך שי' בלומנפלד
- 3389 - It's great that you are successful in education. However, don’t neglect other areas.ה' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3390 - Even if you’re confident in your ideas, the right path is to consult with others.ו' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3391 - It’s unrealistic to accept a position only if everyone agrees and fully recognizes your authority.ו' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3392 - Don't be discouraged if influencing others to observe mitzvos takes time.ז' ניסן, תשט"ו - האברך דוד אברהם שי' לסלבוים
- 3393 - Physical redemption is linked to spiritual redemption.ח' ניסן, ה'תשט"ו - הגבאים ומתפללי בית הכנסת נוסח אר"י אלבאני פארק
- 3394 - Studying the Sichos isn’t enough—you must have a Rav.ח' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3395 - At 22, focus on a shidduch and pursue teaching, as is customary in Jerusalem.ח' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3396 - Physical freedom is merely a preparation for spiritual freedom.ח' ניסן, תשט"ו - מר בן ציון שי'
- 3397 - The Rebbe advises the young woman to accept the teaching position while continuing her education.ח' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3398 - To correct the past, increase in words of Torah and prayer, and pray with warmth and passion.ט' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3399 - I am surprised that you have stopped eating in the morning.ט' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3400 - Notes to the sefer Nezer HaKodesh and responses by Rabbi Moshe Rosen.[י"א ניסן, תשט"ו]
- 3401 - Notes to the writings of Rabbi Rivkin.י"א ניסן, ה'תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה דובער שי' - רבקין
- 3402 - Even if justified, the ruling remains that one compelled (ones) is exempt.י"א ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3403 - Utilize the gathering to improve education and, unofficially, to find ways to involve the parents.י"א ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אהרן מרדכי שי'
- 3404 - The more you report to me, the more it will benefit you.י"א ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3405 - The Rebbe suggests to Rabbi Zevin that he reference the sources and their reliability.י"ב ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה יוסף שי'
- 3406 - We should strengthen our belief in the expanded Moshe, embodied in our generation by the Rebbe.י"ב ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3407 - Your complaint about not being successful in your activism stems from the Yetzer Hara.י"ג ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3408 - Thank you for the pictures of the three pages of the Tanya printed in Altona.י"ג ניסן, תשט"ו - מר א.ז. שי' בן ישי
- 3409 - In Tanya, Chapter 37, the word אף does not mean "although" but rather "in addition."א' חוהמ"פ, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל מנחם מענדל שי' שניאורסאהן
- 3410 - Some shuls won't allow him to recite the Rabbi's Kaddish (Kaddish D'Rabbanan) after the Mishnayos.[א' דחוהמ"פ, תשט"ו]
- 3411 - A student should not leave his yeshiva in Australia, where he is strengthening it.ג' דחוהמ"פ, תשט"ו
- 3412 - Thank you for distributing the Shmurah Matzah as requested; it is, as known, not for financial gain.ד' חוהמ"פ, תשט"ו - הנהלת אגודת חב"ד באה"ק ת"ו
- 3413 - I really enjoyed your efforts in distributing Shmurah Matzah to your friends, both past and present.חוהמ"פ, תשט"ו
- 3414 - Regarding the options of working as a counselor or completing a kindergarten teacher courseכ"ה ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3415 - Spiritual state, at times inspired with purity and awe of Heaven, and at other times, etc.כ"ה ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3416 - It seems you are very occupied with what will happen six months from now.כ"ו ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3417 - On the contrary, the more detail you write to me, the better.כ"ו ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3418 - I loved the clippings and photos—it shows the Jewish heart is open to Torah and mitzvot.כ"ו ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר מרדכי שי'
- 3419 - 3419כ"ז ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה שי' רוזין
- 3420 - 3420כ"ז ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה עובדי' שי'
- 3421 - 3421כ"ז ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3422 - 3422כ"ז ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3423 - 3423כ"ח ניסן, תשט"ו - כבוד משתתפי בלימוד שיעור הגמרא בבית הכנסת צמח צדק נוסח האר"י פה ניו יארק, ובפרט לומדי השיעור הרה"ג וו"ח אי"א נו"נ עוסקים בצ"צ מוה"ר יחזקאל ומוה"ר גרשון
- 3424 - 3424כ"ח ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3425 - 3425כ"ח ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3426 - 3426כ"ט ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 3427 - 3427כ"ט ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3428 - 3428כ"ט ניסן, תשט"ו
Igros Kodesh vol. 11, 5715 - Iyar
- 3429 - A lengthy letter with guidance and directions for the newly founded Tzeirei Agudas Chabad.תפארת שבתפארת תשט"ו - להמשתתפים באסיפת היסוד של צעירי אגודת חב"ד, אשר בניו יארק,
- 3430 - In a shidduch, focus on the important matters; the secondary aspects often fall into place.ב' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3431 - Share the Chasidic booklets sent to you with others. That is the greatest form of charity.ב' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3432 - While it is true that Hashem can give you your livelihood wherever you move, consider:ב' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3433 - Your mission is to make Morocco receptive to Chasidus teachings.ב' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שניאור זלמן שי' לוויטין
- 3434 - The first and the last administrator of the Lubavitcher Yeshivos is my father-in-law, the Rebbe.ג' אייר, תשט"ו - עוסק בצ"צ מוהרנ"ן שי' מוה"ר ניסן נמנוב
- 3435 - The sanctity of Hebrew vowels and their names, as elucidated by the Rebbe, is rooted in the Kabbalahג' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר נתן דוד שי'
- 3436 - I'm delighted to hear that you're working towards establishing the Yeshivah in the heart of Chicago.ג' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יוסף שי'
- 3437 - In addition to finding a specialist who has the right and power to heal, check mezuzot and tefillin.ג' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3438 - This is an old Sephardic custom, and the Arizal also went to Meron to give his son his first haircutג' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר ירחמיאל שי' אלפרוביץ
- 3439 - Since students have historically traveled to Meron, it is not worth negating this tradition.ד' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה חיים שי' קסלמן
- 3440 - Chabad's role isn't to endorse secular schools or studies[ד' אייר, תשט"ו]
- 3441 - Avoid walking alone at night, even with Hashem's protection and the Rebbe's prayers.ד' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3442 - I'm pleased, mainly, that you visit the homes of the Chasidim to the satisfaction of the women.ד' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3443 - To reach the hearts of your students, have fear of Heaven and speak from the heart.ד' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר דוד שי' ברדא.
- 3444 - I enjoyed hearing about how you organized seders in the shul with shmurah matzah.ד' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3445 - Nusach Ari is the nusach that suits all people.ד' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל חיים שי' פולנר
- 3446 - Your wife only needs a urine test, so ask the doctor not to perform an internal test.ה' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3447 - Those who question and challenge often do so to show their unhappiness or oppositionה' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3448 - I pray that you continue to spread Torah and the wellsprings to the fullest extent possible.ה' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3449 - Have they printed the letters of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld? Surely his descendants are doing thisה' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר צבי שי' זוננפלד
- 3450 - I'm glad for the great impression and the following practical impact from the visit of Tzach.ה' אייר, תשט"ו - מוהרמ"ד שי' וואלנער
- 3451 - As we talked, one of the principles of the Baal Shem Tov is to serve Hashem with joy.ה' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר פרץ שי' חן
- 3452 - A halachic discussion with Rabbi Zevin on the status of honey as a food or drink.ו' אייר, תשט"ו - מוהרש"י שי' זוין
- 3453 - I was pleased to see the congregation encouraged to address the Mechitzah, this is very important.ו' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3454 - Consult with people in your community about the financial benefit of this endeavor.ו' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלום שי' פויזנר
- 3455 - The name Ben-Zion carries an auspicious omen for both physical and spiritual longevity.ז' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3456 - May you grow in Torah and mitzvos. Hashem gives you the strength to do so.ט' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3457 - Just as with rain, you must first plow and sow, then the rain brings many blessings.ט' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3458 - Why does a minor start putting on tefillin before his bar mitzvah without saying a blessing?ט' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם צבי שי' הכהן
- 3459 - You have to participate in building up the shul. You can't sit back and wait for it to develop.ט' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3460 - Consult with others on how to strengthen the classes from the past and actually increase them.יו"ד אייר, תשט"ו
- 3461 - I am pleased to hear about the farbrengen and the intentions to spread Chasidus further.יו"ד אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יהושע שי' שפעטמאן
- 3462 - A memory should be recalled in a way that makes the moment come alive.יו"ד אייר, תשט"ו
- 3463 - You wish to know the principles of Chasidus while standing on one foot.יו"ד אייר, תשט"ו
- 3464 - It's nice that you are developing the skill of public speaking and utilizing it for Yiddishkeit.י"א אייר, תשט"ו
- 3465 - It's great that you are studying Chasidus. Remember, the main thing is to take action and spread itי"א אייר, תשט"ו
- 3466 - People write to me about all matters but don't report about their spiritual standing.י"א אייר, תשט"ו
- 3467 - You must follow the doctor's directions consistently.י"א אייר, תשט"ו
- 3468 - Trusting Hashem is believing He will provide all your needs, even if you think you don't deserve it.י"א אייר, תשט"ו
- 3469 - Seeing Hashem give the many into the hands of the few should energize your service to Him.י"א אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אלי' ליב שי'
- 3470 - You can still be with me even though you're unable to travel here.י"ב אייר, תשט"ו
- 3471 - Teaching the craft of Shechita and Bedika is especially proper for Sephardic students.י"ב אייר, תשט"ו - הנהלת ישיבת תומכי תמימים אשר בלוד
- 3472 - Kefar Chabad 2 should ideally be established in close proximity to Kefar Chabad itself.י"ב אייר, תשט"ו - הנהלת אגודת חב"ד באה"ק ת"ו
- 3473 - Thank you for the report of the farbrengen and the distribution of wine from the Moshiach Meal.י"ב אייר, תשט"ו
- 3474 - Thanks for the farbrengen report. Make sure discussions turn into action.י"ב אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר נחום שמרי' שי' ששונקין
- 3475 - You write extensively about physical sustenance but do not mention your Chasidus or Niglah classes?י"ב אייר, תשט"ו
- 3476 - The previous Rebbe wrote 375 chapters on the topic of what comes first Tanug or Rotzon?י"ב אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם צבי שי' לנדא
- 3477 - A strong letter to allow the students to participate in outreach.י"ג אייר, תשט"ו
- 3478 - Centralize your work so that you don't duplicate the same things.י"ג אייר, תשט"ו - הנהלת צעירי אגודת חב"ד בירושלים עיה"ק ת"ו
- 3479 - You are right not to condition the suggestions for your daughter on him studying Chasidus.י"ג אייר, תשט"ו
- 3480 - You write that you feel you are still lacking in your teaching skills.י"ג אייר, תשט"ו
- 3481 - Just as in business, assessing how your business is doing is best at the end of the month or year.י"ג אייר, תשט"ו
- 3482 - Ensure that they don't interpret your teaching their students as an approval on their education.י"ד אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר ירחמיאל שי' בלומנפלד
- 3483 - With older students, you need to conduct yourself not only as a teacher but also as a colleague.י"ד אייר, תשט"ו
- 3484 - It seems that the Biton Chabad periodical has become official with a permit.פסח שני, תשט"ו - הנהלת צעירי אגו"ח באה"ק ת"ו
- 3485 - I enjoyed reading about starting a shul and study place in a neighborhood with many Jewish people.י"ד אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר דוב יהודא שי' שוחאט
- 3486 - To correct and battle the Yetzer Hara and feelings of hopelessness:י"ז אייר, תשט"ו
- 3487 - Physical and spiritual aspects go togetherי"ז אייר, תשט"ו
- 3488 - He's concerned about secular influence and wishes to attend a yeshiva abroad.י"ז אייר, תשט"ו
- 3489 - Creating a religious voting bloc between Agudath Israel and Poalei Agudath Israel.לב' למטמונים, ה'תשט"ו - ר' יצחק מאיר הכהן שי' לוין
- 3490 - Question: What is meant by the Vitalizing Soul?י"ח אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יעקב שי' פלס
- 3491 - 3491 Every day, a new energy from Hashem comes into the world.י"ח אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלום שי' רבקין
- 3492 - I will pray for your wife. It seems that most of her problems are nerve-related.י"ח אייר, תשט"ו
- 3493 - Don't be depressed; studying Sha'ar HaBitachon with a little reflection will lift your spirits.כ' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3494 - Through helping your friends in Yeshivah, you receive Hashem's help for yourself.כ' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3495 - In my view, the pipeline for blessings for Anash is in Kfar Chabad.כ' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3496 - You must deal straightforwardly when it comes to Kfar Chabad, which is for the community.כ' אייר, תשט"ו
- 3497 - Even if you study Chasidus and pray with devotion, ensure this continues afterward.כ' אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר ישראל זוסמן שי'
- 3498 - Your lack of diligence has caused many entanglements and problems.כ"א אייר, תשט"ו - ועד כפר חב"ד
- 3499 - To marry the daughter of a Kohen, it is sufficient for the groom to know one tractate.כ"א אייר, תשט"ו
- 3500 - Inconsistency in serving Hashem and in prayer is a common struggle.כ"ג אייר, תשט"ו
- 3501 - Prepare for Matan Torah by introducing “Na’aseh” before “Nishma.”כ"ג אייר, תשט"ו
- 3502 - Remaining health concerns are likely imagined; follow the doctor’s advice but don’t dwell on them.כ"ג אייר, תשט"ו
- 3503 - A final effort by the Rebbe to establish a religious voting bloc for Knesset elections.כ"ד אייר, ה'תשט"ו
- 3504 - Both sides share responsibility for the lack of connection.כ"ד אייר, תשט"ו
- 3505 - The summer curriculum should include discussions and the laws of the holidays.כ"ד אייר, תשט"ו
- 3506 - Collections of the Rebbe’s words on the Parsha are great, but each piece should include its source.כ"ד אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר צבי הירש שי' חיטריק
- 3506 - With effort, you will be able to study Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah.כ"ד אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר ניסן שי' הורביץ
- 3507 - I enjoyed reading, albeit briefly, about the Lag B’Omer Farbrengen.כ"ה אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יצחק שי' דובאוו
- 3508 - Pleased that the number of students is increasing; this is something people notice.כ"ה אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר סעדי' שי' ליברוב
- 3509 - You write about your studies, teaching in the Talmud Torah, and desire to come to America.כ"ה אייר, תשט"ו - האברך שרגא פייוויש שי' הרצוג
- 3510 - For blessings for children, check the tefillin and mezuzot and observe the laws of family purity.כ"ה אייר, תשט"ו
- 3511 - I keep on reminding of the Alter Rebbe's saying: "You state your needs but not your purpose."כ"ה אייר, תשט"ו
- 3512 - I don’t see an issue with using a non-Jewish doctor, especially as he is religious.כ"ה אייר, תשט"ו
- 3513 - Regarding your confusion in thoughts, speak to your Mashpia, and look in your Siddur when davening.כ"ה אייר, תשט"ו
- 3514 - Encourage those going to the country to set aside even more time for learning than before.כ"ו אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר פרץ שי' מוצקין
- 3515 - It’s a good idea to continue working with them since they don’t mix into spiritual matters.כ"ו אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר עזריאל זליג שי' שרפשטיין
- 3516 - Seeking physical success requires strengthening the spiritual vessels of Torah and mitzvos.כ"ו אייר, תשט"ו
- 3517 - 3517כ"ח אייר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר ישראל זיסל שי' דבורץ
- 3518 - 3518כ"ח אייר, תשט"ו
- 3519 - 3519כ"ח אייר, תשט"ו
Igros Kodesh vol. 11, 5715 - Sivan
- 3520 - When writing, stick to exact quotes for both the story and your book.א' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3521 - Better for the students to be in Yeshivah during the end of Elul till Yom Kippur, rather than Av.א' סיון, תשט"ו - הנהלת ישיבת תומכי תמימים אשר בלוד
- 3522 - The Alter Rebbe writes that the mind dominates the heart, even according to nature.א' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3523 - Better to donate a copy to the nursing home library for everyone's use.א' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3524 - Consult a lawyer familiar with the laws.א' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3525 - Should I vaccinate with the vaccine now used for young children?ב' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3526 - Blessings for successful shidduchim, especially for older students.ג' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3527 - You are asking me to take sides in the discord in your shul.ג' סיון, תשט"ו - הנהלת בית המדרש נוסח האר"י ז"ל
- 3528 - It's wrong to resign from your work in the shul; on the contrary, you should add more energy.[ג' סיון, תשט"ו]
- 3529 - To succeed in the service of Hashem requires a step-by-step approach; there is no magic.ג' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3530 - The service of Hashem needs to be done with joy.יום א' דשלושת ימי הגבלה, ה'תשט"ו - מוהר"ר יהודא שליט"א שיטריט, אגאדיר יצ"ו
- 3531 - Prepare the children by telling them that it is because of them that all Jews received the Torah.ד' סיון, תשט"ו - מסיבות שבת אשר במאנטרעאל על ידי שרה מינדל תי' גרליצקי (שמטוב)
- 3532 - The Rebbe makes some comments on Professor Kutcher's articles, etc.ד' סיון, ה'תשט"ו - כבוד מר יחזקאל שי' המכונה פרופ. קוטשר
- 3533 - It's a great idea to have a camp and expand it more than in previous years.ערב חגה"ש, תשט"ו
- 3534 - When someone receives my advice and doesn't see miracles, they haven't put in enough effort.ערב חה"ש, תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה שי' לברטוב
- 3535 - We are in the process of sending a permanent scribe to your community.ערב זמן מתן תורתנו, ה'תשט"ו
- 3536 - To overcome distraction, find a true friend with whom you can share everything on your heart.ערב חגה"ש, תשט"ו
- 3537 - Your donation went to support those learning Torah just for the sake of Torah.ח' סיון, תשט"ו - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד סניף קינזמאן-קלעוולאנד
- 3538 - Should I participate in the Yemenite yeshivah group?ח' סיון, תשט"ו - האברך יוסף שי' מלמד
- 3539 - I'm sure you are careful with Kiddush Levanah, which is an omen for good teeth.ח' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3540 - Prepare for the end of the year in the Reshet. Provide materials for students for the summer break.ט' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3541 - There must be peace amongst the Chasidim as in א.ב ג.דט' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3542 - In your letter, you note a lack of Torah and Yirat Shamayim. No mention of not studying Chasidus.ט' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3543 - May your role as a magid shiur in the yeshivah inspire the students, elevating their Torah efforts.יו"ד סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם צבי שי' הכהן
- 3544 - Especially those in Yeshivah must learn Chasidus, which is the soul and body of Torah combined.י"א סיון, תשט"ו
- 3545 - To address forgetfulness:י"א סיון, תשט"ו
- 3546 - By the Baal Shem Tov, place and time were not limiting factors, and it was for him actual seeing.י"א סיון, תשט"ו
- 3547 - To alleviate concerns, send someone to check out the orchards growing the Esrogimי"ג סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר [מרדכי שי' הכהן] פרלוב
- 3548 - Happy to hear that they are laying the cornerstone for the building of the Yeshivah in Rishon LeZionי"ג סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חיים שאול שי'
- 3549 - Happy anniversary! Wishing you many years of celebration in good health and spirit.[י"ג סיון, תשט"ו]
- 3550 - You ask for directions to study Chassidus, prayer, and necessary preparations.י"ג סיון, תשט"ו
- 3551 - You cannot single-handedly decide. This does not diminish your honor when following the many.י"ג סיון, תשט"ו
- 3552 - We ask and demand of Hashem to fulfill our requests even on trivial matters.י"ג סיון, תשט"ו
- 3553 - Ask for your health to improve rather than for relief from your holy work.י"ג סיון, תשט"ו
- 3554 - Having a hard time studying alone and difficulty focusing.י"ג סיון, תשט"ו
- 3555 - Don't pay attention to people who are hostile to you and your activities.ט"ו סיון, תשט"ו
- 3556 - Thirteen and fourteen-year-olds should spend more time learning Kodesh than vocational schoolט"ו סיון, תשט"ו - הנהלת ישיבת תומכי תמימים דלוד, הנהלת בתי ספר למלאכה באה"ק ת"ו,
- 3557 - It is advisable not to do internal exams during pregnancy.ט"ו סיון, תשט"ו
- 3558 - I am hopeful you will use the remaining hours to ensure a religious voting bloc.ט"ז סיון, ה'תשט"ו
- 3558 - 3558b You should not be sad about the temporary situation of being a few hundred dollars in debt.ט"ז סיון, ה'תשט"ו
- 3559 - Challenged Kabbalistic interpretation: You can trust the Rebbe Rashab on this and on greater issues.ט"ז סיון, ה'תשט"ו - מוהר"מ שי' הלוי מנחם זאב גריגלס
- 3560 - May you see good fruits in your efforts to raise many students with a Torah and chasidic education.י"ז סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה שי' מטוסוב
- 3561 - Find your match in Morocco and join thousands of religious Jews serving Hashem in the diaspora.י"ז סיון, תשט"ו
- 3562 - Feeling weak and forgetful? I will pray for you.י"ז סיון, תשט"ו
- 3563 - Is it better to study for familiarity or in-depth? Is it better to lstudy with or without a partner?ח"י סיון, תשט"ו
- 3564 - Blessings to Rabbi Garelik of Kfar Chabad on his birthday.ח"י סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שניאור זלמן שי' גרליק
- 3565 - You write the good news that you were acquitted.י"ח סיון, תשט"ו
- 3566 - In this letter, the Rebbe responds to questions on his commentary on the Haggadah.[י"ט סיון, תשט"ו]
- 3567 - Because he davens (prays) for a long time, he misses out on Kedusha. Should he daven quicker?י"ט סיון, תשט"ו
- 3568 - I pray that you have many students in your school, which will also improve its quality.י"ט סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר סעדי' שי' ליברוב
- 3569 - You are allowed to change from Ashkenaz to Nusach Ari; this was done by hundreds of thousands.י"ט סיון, תשט"ו
- 3570 - I read every letter that is addressed to me; no one filters whose letters I read.י"ט סיון, תשט"ו
- 3571 - Your check for $1,200 for the orphan fund was received.כ' סיון, תשט"ו - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד סניף טאראנטא
- 3572 - A good deed done, especially by many women, in whose merit we left Egypt, brings joy.כ' סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר דוב יהודא שי' שוחאט
- 3573 - Turn your excitement into action. Don't let the Yetzer Hara persuade you to become depressed.[כ' סיון, תשט"ו]
- 3574 - They decided to get married, but he was misled about the girl's age; she is older than him.כ' סיון, תשט"ו
- 3575 - Why haven't there been any reports on your activities?כ"ב סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר מנחם שמואל דוד שי' הלוי שד"ר רייטשיק
- 3576 - The idea that sadness, even from sin, is disgraceful and damaging is discussed in Tanya, ch. 27-29.כ"ג סיון, תשט"ו
- 3577 - To benefit the soul of your brother who passed away, study Mishnah.כ"ג סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה שי'
- 3578 - May the merit of your care in the mitzvah of Tzitzis bring you good health and long life.כ"ג סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר דוד נתן שי' - לעסער
- 3579 - Spread the wellsprings by visiting non-Lubavitch yeshivas.כ"ג סיון, תשט"ו
- 3580 - I enjoyed hearing that the plot you bought for the new shul is in the center of Chicago.כ"ג סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה שי' הכהן שאייעוויטש
- 3581 - It's a good idea to travel and try to find your shidduch.כ"ד סיון, תשט"ו
- 3582 - There is no justification for beating someone, even if you think you are 100 percent right.כ"ד סיון, תשט"ו
- 3583 - A warm and deeply felt thank you for your precious gift, Letters of My Father-in-Law.כ"ה סיון, ה'תשט"ו - מוה"ר מיכאל שי' המכונה דר. ווילנסקי
- 3584 - I will pray for the improvement of your business and livelihood.כ"ו סיון, תשט"ו
- 3585 - The more classes, the more blessings.כ"ז סיון, תשט"ו - מר א. שקלובסקי שי'
- 3586 - Be happy with your lot as a spiritual guide, positively impacting the students of the trade school.כ"ז סיון, תשט"ו
- 3587 - In order for the blessings the Rebbe is praying for to materialize, you need to connect to the Rebbeכ"ז סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חיים הלל שי' אזימוב
- 3588 - You need to proclaim the truth of Hashem without compromises.כ"ט סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אלימלך שליט"א שפירא
- 3589 - May this initial sum be a good start toward fulfilling the entire pledge and adding to it.כ"ט סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן - יאלעס
- 3590 - Thanks for the great news about your contract renewal as rabbi by a big majority.כ"ט סיון, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יצחק זלמן שי' פויזנר
- 3591 - A warm thank you for sending me the book you published on Shechitah.א' דר"ח תמוז, ה'תשט"ו - מוה"ר סלימאן דוד ני"ו ששון
- 3592 - Sources and explanations for why only married women need to cover their hair.אדר"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3593 - I am praying that from here on, you should increase peace.אדר"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
Igros Kodesh vol. 11, 5715 - Tamuz
- 3594 - Rebbe expresses the need for a union of religious doctors.ב' דראש חדש תמוז, ה'תשט"ו - לכבוד הועד לאסיפת רופאים דתיים בניו-יארק
- 3595 - The vitality, light, and fire you took from the Yeshivah in Lubavitch will never extinguish.א' תמוז, תשט"ו - מו"ה אברהם שי' המכונה ד"ר אהרונוב
- 3596 - All beginnings are difficult, but nothing can obstruct the will.א' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יעקב יוסף שי' שו"ב גורקאוו
- 3597 - Get the students in the older classes to serve as counselors and educators for the younger grades.מוה"ר ניסן שי' - פינסון
- 3598 - Thank you for giving me pleasure with your detailed report on the yeshivah's development.א' תמוז, תשט"ו - האברך אהרן שי' סרברנסקי
- 3599 - It really pains me how the religious voting bloc has not materialized.ב' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוהרש"י שי' זוין
- 3600 - When you see Hashem's kindness in the physical, you get the hint to improve your spirituality.ב' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3601 - As we are embers saved from destruction, we must make up for those who perished al kiddush Hashem.ב' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3602 - May the confirmation of your salary bring you and those who follow you more energy to do your work.ב' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3603 - Use the 12th of Tamuz as an opportunity to reflect on the triumph of Torah over all opposing forces.ג' תמוז, ה'תשט"ו - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד
- 3604 - Keep up the good tradition of informing me.ג' תמוז, תשט"ו - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד סניף תל אביב
- 3605 - Since you have already started your activities, only the beginnings are difficult.ג' תמוז, תשט"ו - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד סניף בני ברק
- 3606 - The Rebbe suggests studies for the 12th of Tamuz.ג' תמוז, ה'תשט"ו
- 3607 - Feeling materialistic and detached? Immerse yourself in the sea of Torah and Chassidus.ג' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3608 - From the letter of the Mahril that, in Haditch by the gravesite of the Alter Rebbe there was a wall.ג' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר עקיבא יוסף שי' הכהן פרידמן
- 3609 - You see when you really want Hashems help and you meetings ars succesful.ג' תמוז, תשט"ו - מרת רחל תחי' לוין
- 3610 - Sometimes it is spelled אלוה and sometimes אלוקה.ד' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל מנחם מענדל שי' שניאורסאהן
- 3611 - Being in the army, you know that discipline and adherence are crucial.ו' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3612 - Utilize Tamuz 12-13 for programming, as there will be no competing events.ו' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3613 - If his presence could harm others, the needs of the public outweigh the benefits to the individual.ו' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר מרדכי צבי שי' גרינוואלד
- 3614 - It's not advisable to remove your son from the yeshivah to teach him a trade.ו' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3615 - In addition to the Farbrengens for 12/13 Tamuzששי בתמוז, תשט"ו - אנ"ש והתמימים אשר במעלבורן
- 3616 - Detailed insights and directives, for modern-day rabbis at the annual Igud Horabonim meeting.ז' תמוז, ה'תשט"ו - לכבוד המשתתפים בכינוס השנתי של איגוד הרבנים
- 3617 - Seize the opportunity in your new home to spread Chasidut and its teachings throughout the cityז' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל יוסף שי' פינדריק
- 3618 - Surely you should study Chitas on Shabbat. We also recite Tehillim on Shabbat.ז' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3619 - When you plant a seed in a Jewish heart, it may take time, but it will eventually yield results.ז' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3620 - To connect to the Rebbe is by studying the same subjects as the Rebbe.ח' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3621 - An explanation of how the Sefirot workח' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יחזקאל שי' הכהן
- 3622 - You should seek blessings for a long life. I would gladly pray for you.ט' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3623 - You feel unsuccessful, unable to connect to your studies, and have feelings of inferiority.ט' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3624 - The Rebbe's redemption is our redemption. When you raise the head, the feet are raised as well.ט' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3625 - Thank you for informing me about the distressing dissolution of the united religious front.י' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוהר"ר יצחק מאיר שי' הכהן לוין
- 3626 - When two Jews meet, it benefits both. They need to see to it that this favor reaches others.יו"ד תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה שי' פערין
- 3627 - Suggest to the doctor that he might consider using hydrocortisone.יו"ד תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3628 - It's a proper match for you.י"א תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3629 - Don't feel down because you don't see your impact.י"א תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3630 - The redemption and victory of my father-in-law prove that the Torah determines the facts, always.י"א תמוז, תשט"ו - הרב שמשון רפאל שי' ווייס
- 3631 - Wait until after the summer or the beginning of winter to travel and study in yeshiva in France.י"א תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3632 - The encouragement we take from Tamuz 12 needs to fit the wishes and directives of my father-in-law.י"ד תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3633 - You’ve already received funding for one mikvah. Due to limited funds, we cannot fulfill your requestי"ד תמוז, תשט"ו - ועד בנין מקוה בשכונת קרית אלי' בחיפה, ובראשם היו"ר הרב מוה"ר אברהם עקיבא שי' רודנר
- 3634 - Jewish souls in their bodies grow continuously, unlike angels who are stationary.י"ד תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יצחק שי' הלוי לוי
- 3635 - For doctors who practice alternative medicine, find out their success rate with other patients.ט"ו תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3636 - To proceed with parnasah, gather three friends, one of whom should be your Mashpia, to counsel you.ט"ו תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3637 - I suggested checking the mezuzos because, when it comes to health matters, we take every precaution.ט"ו תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3638 - We do not have the authority to modify the longstanding curriculum to include general subjects.ט"ז תמוז, תשט"ו - הנהלת ישיבת תומכי תמימים אשר בלוד
- 3639 - Increasing the number of students will also enhance the quality of the school.ט"ז תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר סעדי' שי' ליברוב
- 3640 - I pray that after the short interruption in your work due to trivial matters, your work will prosperט"ז תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3641 - It would be worthwhile for articles of appreciation on Chabad literature to be published.ט"ז תמוז, תשט"ו - מוהר"א חנוך שי' גליצנשטיין
- 3642 - If you have an Israeli identity card and the right to vote, you must vote in Knesset elections.ט"ז תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3643 - Consult with attorneys who specialize in these matters to determine the best course of action.ט"ז תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3644 - Should someone lead the services in a synagogue if there aren’t 10 Shomrei Shabbat?י"ח תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר נפתלי שי' שו"ב יוניק
- 3645 - The stronger your connection to Hashem, the Healer of all flesh, the faster your healing will be.י"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3646 - You should take care of your health and follow your doctor's directions.י"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3647 - I received a copy of the Sicha, and I was surprised that it was not emphasizedי"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3648 - The Rebbe expresses disappointment that nothing is mentioned about the 12th of Tamuz.י"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3649 - I received your letters and planned to respond soon about the water libation.י"ח תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יוסף ברוך שי' בלומנפלד
- 3650 - The redemption of the Rebbe proves victory over those who oppose Hashem.י"ח תמוז, תשט"ו - מו"ה יצחק דוד שי' גרטנר
- 3651 - You should rule leniently in situations where a woman is afraid of becoming pregnant.כ' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שניאור זלמן שי' גרליק
- 3652 - When you make a will, it serves as a סגולה (segulah) for long lifeכ' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שניאור זלמן שי' בעזפאלאוו
- 3653 - There are many tourists coming to Israel. Highlight the new building project to solicit funds.כ' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר מנחם ישראל שי' מלוב
- 3654 - Your merit in purchasing the plot for the yeshiva in Rishon Lezion will bear fruit forever.כ' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יוסף שי' שמוטקין
- 3655 - Promising to improve your Judaism if you win the court case is not the correct path.כ' תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3656 - Please help Rabbi Yitzchak Gershtkorn disseminate his sefer Naim Zemiros Yisroel.כ' תמוז, תשט"ו - מוהר"י שי' דובאוו
- 3657 - Comments the Rebbe makes on the newly published book Sipurei Chasidim by Rabbi Zevin:כ"א תמוז, תשט"ו - מוהרש"י שי' זוין
- 3658 - While in Africa, search for rare seforim or even manuscripts that are not in use.כ"ב תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יוסף הלוי שי' וויינבערג
- 3659 - Your involvement in Mamed will bring additional success and health in your personal matters.כ"ב תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חיים שי' שו"ב פלוטקין
- 3660 - I am happy that there were resolutions made to start implementing them for the coming year.כ"ב תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יצחק שי' הכהן הוברמן
- 3661 - In a lengthy letter, the Rebbe guides a young man towards a life of Yiddishkeit and Chasidusכ"ב תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3662 - The Rebbe inquires about mikvaos in various cities.כ"ב תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חנניא יו"ט ליפא שי' דייטש
- 3663 - It should not be perceived that the Lubavitch Yeshivah has a lower learning standardכ"ג תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3664 - I was pleased that students of the Reshet joined the Yeshivah.כ"ג תמוז, תשט"ו - הנהלת ישיבת ות"ת בספריא - כפר חב"ד
- 3665 - She had several miscarriages. The Rebbe suggests strengthening her faith that Hashem will bring goodכ"ג תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3666 - Certainly, you will visit and encourage others to visit the woman and uplift her spirits.כ"ג תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר דוד שי' הלוי עדעלמאן
- 3667 - The Rebbe publicizes that it is an obligation to participate in the Municipal and Knesset elections.כ"ד תמוז, ה'תשט"ו
- 3668 - To overcome laziness, study the beginning of chapter 41 in Tanya.כ"ד תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3669 - Great rabbis and codifiers who were Kohanim had no issues flying from Israel to the Diaspora.כ"ד תמוז, תשט"ו - מו"ה חיים דובער שי' גולעווסקי
- 3670 - Impart everywhere the necessity of being knowledgeable in the laws needed for day-to-day living.כ"ד תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3671 - The issue with the country may be due to your neglect to organize Torah study before leaving.כ"ה תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3672 - More effort is needed in the essential task of educating the younger generation.כ"ה תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3673 - It is not customary for us, for various reasons, to give endorsements on Sefarim.כ"ה תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם שי' הלוי מוה"ר אברהם שי' הלוי
- 3674 - If we don't utilize our time to grow higher, the descent of the soul into this world is purposeless.כ"ה תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3675 - The Rebbe expresses his wish that they conduct themselves according to the wishes of our holy Rebbesכ"ז תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3676 - You should organize farbrengens. Don’t think you’re alone—you are a shaliach from Hashem.כ"ז תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יונה שי' דרעשער
- 3677 - I did what I could in pleasant ways to try to form a united religious voting block for the Knesset.כ"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3678 - Never turn down an order from a customer. Hashem is showing you success—make bigger vessels.כ"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3679 - He is disturbed that the Rebbe did not personally sign his name when the Rebbe responded.כ"ח תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3680 - As the vocational school is my institution, how could you make decisions without consulting me?כ"ט תמוז, תשט"ו - הנהלת בית הספר למלאכה בכפר חב"ד
- 3681 - Discussion and notes to Rabbi Avraham Aharon Price on Mishnas Avrohom on Sefer Chassidim.כ"ט תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם אהרן שי' פרייס
- 3682 - Letter to Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Lipshitz-Halberstam, the Stropkover Rebbe.כ"ט תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יחזקאל שרגא שליט"א - ליפשיץ-הלברשטם
- 3683 - The Rebbe speaks of the significance of spreading the study of the Talmud Yerushalmi.כ"ט תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם ישראל משה שי' - סלמן
- 3684 - Why wait to report bad news that causes upset? Report good news, and the bad news will be diminishedכ"ט תמוז, תשט"ו
- 3685 - The Alter Rebbe adds the title 'Chasid' when the father is advocating for his son.כ"ט תמוז, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 3686 - 3686[תמוז, תשט"ו]
- 3687 - 3687[תמוז, תשט"ו]
Igros Kodesh vol. 11, 5715 - Av
- 3688 - Please explain to him that this has nothing to do with demons; it is solely about physical health.א' מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה [אהרן] שי' בן חמו
- 3689 - A main point missing in your question is whether your wife agrees, as you must consult with her.א' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3690 - Two options: study in a shul where people are already involved, or in one where they are not.ב' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3691 - Keep the Tanya as a spiritual safeguard next to him in his room. Double wrap it if necessary.ב' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3692 - All effort for educating the young generation is worth it, as this sustains the Jewish people.ב' מנ"א, תשט"ו - מר א. לעווענשטיין שי'
- 3693 - Increase and broaden your educational work. Disregard the opponents and obstacles.ב' מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה שלום דוב שי' ליפשיץ
- 3694 - When you ask for a bracha, you must make the proper vessel to receive the blessing.ג' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3695 - The Rebbe explains why a proper mechitzah is essential for a shul.ג' מנ"א, תשט"ו - לחברי ומתפללי בית המדרש קהלת
- 3696 - In battling the Yetzer Hara, seeking miracles and giving up are part of its tactics.ה' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3697 - Your outreach work with love for your fellow has brought me great joyה' מנ"א, תשט"ו - הרב ארי' שי'
- 3698 - You need to report in detail and frequently.ה' מנ"א, תשט"ו - הנהלת צעירי אגודת חב"ד בעיה"ק ירושלים ת"ו
- 3699 - The Rebbe expresses the desire to receive detailed reports of the activities.ו' מנ"א, תשט"ו - הנהלת צעירי אגודת חב"ד באה"ק ת"ו סניף תל אביב
- 3700 - The old and new villages of Chabad should be combined without leaving any houses empty.ז' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3701 - I enjoyed reading your commentary and the hints regarding the booklet on the imprisonment.ז' מנ"א, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יוסף ברוך שי' בלומנפלד
- 3702 - When the father is interceding on his son's behalf the Alter Rebbe use the title "Chassid."ז' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3703 - I am distressed that instead of spreading Chassidus and Yiddishkeit, they sit with folded arms.ח' מנ"א, תשט"ו - מוה"ר רפאל נחמן שי' הכהן
- 3704 - If the Aron Kodesh has been flush with the wall until now, don't change it.ח' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3705 - Everyone is obligated at least three times a day to think before the prayer about G-d's exaltedness.ח' מנ"א, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חנניא יום טוב ליפא שליט"א דייטש
- 3706 - Some people never smile or show happiness with the way Hashem runs the world.י' מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3707 - There was a meeting of the minds; I studied the same ma'amar you did.י"ב מנ"א, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 3708 - I am shocked that there is no study schedule for Friday and Shabbos.י"ב מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3709 - I’m surprised you had time for trivial matters but didn’t contact a matchmaker for a shidduch.י"ב מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3710 - The study of Chassidus removes obstacles that interfere with accepting Torah and mitzvos.י"ג מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה זאב צבי שי' ובר
- 3711 - Which group of youth should we serve—the ultra-religious or those needing basic Judaism?י"ג מנ"א, תשט"ו - הוו"ח אי"א נו"נ מנהלי קבוצת הנוער בבית המדרש חב"ד שכונת מאה שערים
- 3712 - While you couldn't organize professional days, this should motivate to seize the next opportunity.י"ג מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה יחיאל מיכל יהודא ליב שי' זלמנוב
- 3713 - We follow the Tzemach Tzedek, who permits birth control if pregnancy is dangerous for the woman.י"ד מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3714 - In connection with his 51st birthday, the Rebbe brings verses from his new Tehillim chapter 52.י"ד מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה ניסן שי' נמנוב
- 3715 - The story of Rabbi Neimark taking the blame and sitting in prison instead of the Rebbe Maharash.י"ד מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3716 - How to deal with teachers who are not devoted and unwilling to follow the Chabad path:י"ד מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3717 - I'm sure, as is your custom, you continued the Reshet school beyond the official end date.ט"ז מנ"א, תשט"ו - הנהלת בתי ספר אהלי יוסף יצחק ליובאוויטש אשר בעיה"ק ת"ו
- 3718 - Since you don't travel to Africa every year, or even every month, you should visit Elizabetville.ט"ז מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה יוסף שי' הלוי וויינבערג
- 3719 - Tailoring Torah study to the unique characteristics of the students.ט"ז מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה ירחמיאל שי' בלומנפלד
- 3720 - The Rebbe encourages support for Rabbi Telishevsky's fundraising efforts.ט"ז מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה משה שי' דולצין
- 3721 - Verifying the kashrut of esrogim. Ensuring the style and content are suitable for younger readers.י"ז מנ"א, תשט"ו - מוה"ר [מרדכי שי' הכהן] פרלוב
- 3722 - Encouraging a young man's path to Chasidus, especially when others try to dissuade him.י"ט מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3723 - Guides a young man on how to rid himself of sadness.י"ט מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3724 - Preparation for Bar Mitzvah and Spiritual Growthי"ט מנ"א, תשט"ו - האברך יצחק יהודה שי' ירוסלבסקי
- 3725 - Celebrating a Bar Mitzvah on Erev Yom Kippurי"ט מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3726 - Anyone who can contribute to Torah and mitzvot should do soי"ט מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3726 - Need for Expanding Jewish Outreach in Italyכ"א מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3727 - Importance of Reporting Spiritual Charityכ"ב מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3728 - Saying you have no news to report and that's why you aren't writing only increases the surprise.כ"ב מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3729 - The Rebbe advises the newlyweds that the most appropriate place for them to settle is Kfar Chabad.כ"ב מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3730 - The Rebbe guides a young woman seeking independence and embracing responsibility.כ"ב מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3731 - On the Accuracy of Transmitted Stories and the Acceptance of Minor Discrepanciesכ"ג מנ"א, תשט"ו - מוהרש"י שי' זוין
- 3732 - Feedback and Suggestions for Improvement on Recent Publicationsכ"ג מנ"א, תשט"ו - מו"ה איסר שי' פרנקל
- 3733 - The Importance of Practical Action and Influence on Othersכ"ד מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3734 - Addressing Challenges in Understanding Torah Study and Enhancing Focusכ"ד מנ"א, תשט"ו
- 3735 - Strengthening Activities and Engagement with Parents in Chabad Schoolsכ"ד מנ"א, תשט"ו - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד באה"ק ת"ו סניף...
- 3736 - Emphasizing Immediate Educational Efforts in Times of Crisisא' דר"ח אלול, ה'תשט"ו - לכבוד ד"ר אברהם ומרים שיחיו אהרונוב
Igros Kodesh vol. 11, 5715 - Elul
- 3737 - 3737 - Utilize the Rebbe's sacred Sichos and Mamorim to influance them.א' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה ניסן שי' פינסון
- 3738 - 3738 -Before leading services, the Chazan should review at least the literal meaning of the prayers.א' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3739 - 3739 -Certainly, if they engage in their spiritual livelihood, they will witness material sustenanceא' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3740 - 3740 - Opt for Tomechei Temimim in France rather than Brooklyn.א' אלול, תשט"ו - האברך שלום שי' איידלמן
- 3741 - 3741 - The Rebbe provides a comprehensive explanation of the duty to vote in Israeli elections.ג' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה מנחם זאב שי' הלוי גרינגלס
- 3742 - 3742 - Can Hashem Do Anything?ג' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה יונה שי' דרעשער
- 3743 - 3743 - Tradition in the form of scribed letters: collecting Chabad customs.ד' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה שמואל יהודה שי' ויינפלד
- 3744 - 3744 - You must come to the decision on your own. I can't think on your behalf.ד' אלול, תשט"ו - מוה"ר בצלאל שי' שו"ב ווילשנסקי
- 3745 - 3745 - Differences exist between what the Alter Rebbe rules in Shulchan Aruch, Siddur, and practice.ד' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה חיים שי' סאשיטסקי
- 3746 - 3746 - Bikurim teaches us that success is attributed to Hashem, and even serve him with the mundaneו' אלול, תשט"ו - לכל הנאספים במלוה מלכה מוצש"ק פרשת תצא במאנסעי, ובראשם הרה"ח אי"א נו"נ עוסק בצ"צ מו"ה משה פנחס שי' הכהן[1] והוו"ח אי"א נו"נ עוסק בצ"צ מוה"ר גרשון שי
- 3747 - 3747 - Take some moments to discuss the surroundings of Chasidus, to study and follow its directivesו' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה יחיאל מיכל יהודה ליב שי' זלמנוב
- 3748 - 3748 - Having difficulty with a Minyan is not a reason to move; on the contrary,ו' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה דוד שי' שלומוביץ
- 3749 - 3749 - Your task is to raise student category: 3rd to 2nd, both to 1st.ז' אלול תשט"ו
- 3750 - 3750 - You did it with a complete heart when the students were given time off during the summerז' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3751 - 3751 - One institution cannot thrive through the detriment of another.ז' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3752 - 3752 - As a matter of principle, I'm surprised that you didn't continue classesח' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3753 - 3753 - I advised checking the Mezuzot, but she insists they're kosher. Something's amiss here.ח' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3754 - 3754 - It appears you haven't replied despite their apology and remorse.ח' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3755 - 3755 - Influencing your community in every possible way. Rebbe would say, "with all interpretationsי' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה אלכסנדר סענדר שי' יודאסין
- 3756 - 3756 - It is shocking how much neglect there is in the field of improving religious life for youth.י' אלול, ה'תשט"ו - לכבוד המשתתפים בועידה הארצית הל"ג של הסתדרות צעירי אגודת ישראל באמריקה
- 3757 - 3757 - For eyesight, follow the saying of our sages: 'Be careful with the wine of Kiddush/Havdalah'יו"ד אלול, תשט"ו
- 3758 - 3758 - "Where should I settle after the wedding?"י"א אלול, תשט"ו
- 3759 - 3759 - You can be proud of your son for not taking off his kippah to play in the game.י"א אלול, תשט"ו
- 3760 - 3760 - He's unhappy with his spiritual progress and aims to transform into someone entirely new.י"א אלול, תשט"ו
- 3761 - 3761 - Follow the directives of the doctor, as they act as agents of the Torah to heal.י"א אלול, תשט"ו
- 3762 - 3762 - "You don't need the exact words of the Rabbe when reflecting in your prayers."י"א אלול, תשט"ו
- 3763 - 3763 - ""You can strengthen your bond by keeping his classes and following his guidance."י"א אלול, תשט"ו
- 3764 - 3764 - "Blessings for health, livelihood, and peace among all of you."י"ב אלול, תשט"ו
- 3765 - 3765 - The mitzvah to care for a fellow Jew is even more important in our generation.י"ב אלול, תשט"ו
- 3766 - 3766 - "Looking at the world optimistically is not hiding from the truth!"י"ב אלול, תשט"ו
- 3767 - 3767 - "You wrote that I should forgive you for not voting in the elections."י"ג אלול, תשט"ו
- 3768 - The Rebbe not happy students from France and Israel coming to NY to Study and would send most back.י"ג אלול, תשט"ו
- 3769 - Transformation Through Contemplative Fasting: A Chassidic Teachingי"ג אלול, תשט"ו
- 3770 - The Rebbe responding to an individual inquiring about what to do about bad breathי"ג אלול, תשט"ו
- 3771 - The Rebbe is praising the work with the prisoners and emphasizes that Hashem seeks all hearts.י"ג אלול, תשט"ו - הרב מו"ה ארי' שי' לוין
- 3772 - Given the difficult situation in the Chabad Yeshivos, our contribution can only be symbolic.י"ד אלול, תשט"ו - הנהלת "סנהדרי'", ת"ת
- 3773 - Should we change the community custom?י"ד אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה צבי ליב שי' הלוי לוין
- 3774 - In your letter, there is not even one word about the quantity and quality of students for new year!ט"ו אלול, תשט"ו
- 3775 - I am surprised that you don't realize how all your excuses are not new and come from the yetzer haraט"ו אלול, תשט"ו
- 3776 - As known in Elul, anyone can approach the king.י"ז אלול, תשט"ו
- 3777 - Congratulations on your wedding anniversary on Elul 18.י"ז אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה דוד נתן שי' לעסער
- 3778 - The necessity of the practical daily halachos to be studied in the yeshivos.י"ז אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה משה שי' וינרסקי
- 3779 - Between the top and bottom mikvahs, there should be two holes in case one loses the shiur.י"ז אלול, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שניאור זלמן שי' גרליק
- 3780 - It is absolutely necessary for the heads of the yeshivas to make an honest accounting of their workח"י אלול, תשט"ו - הנהלת ישיבת תומכי תמימים אשר
- 3781 - Some people don’t consider promises made before an election to be binding.ח"י אלול, ה'תשט"ו - הא' יצחק ני"ו אלמאליח
- 3782 - During Elul, meet with your mashpi'im for guidence.ח"י אלול, תשט"ו
- 3783 - I have not found anyone else who supports the opinion of Or HaShanim.י"ט אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה נתן דוד שי' רוזנבלום
- 3784 - The "sciences" in Tanya include all secular sciences, not just those that contradict Jewish religionי"ט אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה דוב יהודה שי' - שוחאט
- 3785 - Enclosed is the schedule for Tanya study for the year.כ' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3786 - Surely, you are following the Rebbe Rashab's mikvah instructions.כ' אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה יחיאל מיכל שי' דברוסקין
- 3787 - A Yeshiva student should not be searching for questions or trying to come up with novel ideas.כ' אלול, תשט"ו
- 3788 - Obviously, you should not travel on an Israeli ship on Shabbos when the sailors are Jewishכ"א אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה שמואל חיים שי' פולנר
- 3789 - How could we prohibit the use of a safety pin on Shabbos, even considering it a Torah prohibition?!כ"א אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה שלום יחזקאל שרגא שליט"א רובין-הלברשטם
- 3790 - You won’t be upset when I say that I don’t believe you that you are a Misnaged.כ"א אלול, תשט"ו
- 3791 - For sure, your farbrengen added to the ideas of the month of Elul, when the King is in the field.כ"א אלול, תשט"ו - להמשתתפים בהתועדות דיום הבהיר ח"י אלול יום הולדת שני המאורות כ"ק הבעש"ט וכ"ק רבנו הזקן
- 3792 - One of the ways to stay in contact and expand your connections is through printed materials.כ"ב אלול, תשט"ו
- 3793 - Where to daven on Rosh Hashana, with a Chabad Minyan although the Mikvah is Sheuvin?כ"ד אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה ישראל נח שי' בליניצקי
- 3794 - In which neighborhood in Chicago to move, consult with three Chabad friends.כ"ד אלול, תשט"ו - מו"ה משה שי' הכהן שאיעוויטש
- 3795 - Regarding your extensive self-examination.כ"ד אלול, תשט"ו
- 3796 - You write about those not sleeping in the sukkah.כ"ד אלול, תשט"ו
- 3797 - You write about feeling depressed regarding your spiritual conditionכ"ה אלול, תשט"ו
- 3798 - The Rosh Hashanah service leader should review the prayers, at least with their simple meaning.כ"ה אלול, תשט"ו
- 3799 - I am troubled by the lack of peace in your daughter's and son-in-law's home.כ"ז אלול, תשט"ו
- 3800 - I’m glad to hear about your good health, as a Jew's body is holy and adds to the world's holiness.כ"ה אלול, תשט"ו
- 3801 - Study groups for youth and childrenכ"ח אלול, תשט"ו
- 3802 - The custom here is to use the secular date when necessary.ימי הסליחות, ה'תשט"ו - מו"ה טובי' שי' בלוי
- 3803 - Message from the Rebbe to the entire Jewish people on the eve of Rosh Hashanah 5716:ימי הסליחות, ה'תשט"ו - אל בני ובנות ישראל אשר בכל מקום ומקום
- 3804 - Choose appropriate Chasidic matters and stories printed by Kehot in English.[ימי הסליחות, ה'תשט"ו] - הרה"ח אי"א נו"נ עוסק בצ"צ מו"ה דובער שי' לוין
- 3805 - Your father used to walk from Liple and later from Vitebsk to the Rebbe in Lubavitch.[שלהי אלול, תשט"ו?] - מו"ה חיים שי' אראנסאן
- 3806 - The Rebbe answers a question about a statement of our Sages.[שלהי אלול, תשט"ו?] - מו"ה זאב צבי שי' - ובר