General Listings
אדר תשט"ו
- 3321 - 3321 - The Rebbe is guiding Aguch in Israel to follow up with Mr. Korn, who can assist Kefar Chabad. א' אדר, תשט"ו - הנהלת אגודת חב"ד אשר באה"ק ת"ו
- 3322 - 3322 - Happy to hear of the success of the yeshiva. א' אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יהודא זאב שי' סגל
- 3323 - 3323 - I’m surprised that you think that you did not get the job because of your beard. א' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3324 - 3324 - Not having time for Chassidut due to other desired sefarim is an unacceptable excuse. ב' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3325 - 3325 - Your recent letter represents a total change for the better, this should serve as an example ב' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3326 - 3326 - If you observe the laws of family purity, it will bring peace to your home. ב' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3327 - 3327 - Thank you for copying the story about the Rebbe Maharash ג' אדר, תשט"ו - מו"ה יעקב יצחק אייזיק שי' פרקוביץ
- 3328 - 3328 -Utilize your talents to influence others through instruction and guidance. ג' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3329 - 3329 -Continue and intensify your efforts in the Yeshiva development. ג' אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חיים שי' סרברנסקי
- 3330 - 3330 - Those who come to study at the Yeshiva will soon influence others. ג' אדר, תשט"ו - האברך אהרן שי' סרברנסקי
- 3331 - 3331 - It appears that not enough effort is being put into attracting people from outside Chabad ו' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3332 - 3332 - Role of a Rabbi is to embed fear of Heaven in daily actions, not just in words. ז' אדר, תשט"ו - מוה' חיים נח שי' המכונה ד"ר דנבורג
- 3333 - 3333 - No-Mashpia is not a reason; no one would do anything, as the only wholesome one is Hashem. ח' אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יהושע [שניאור זלמן] שי' סרברנסקי
- 3334 - 3334 - Melaveh Malkah in honor of Chazak, for many years of dedicated work for Chabad. ט' אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חיים זלמן שי' (קרעמער) המכונה חז"ק
- 3335 - 3335 - Greetings to the congregation of Nusach Ari on its 50-year jubilee! ט' אדר, ה'תשט"ו - צום חשובן פרעזידענט גבאים און מתפללים דביהכ"נ נוסח האר"י
- 3336 - 3336 - My opinion remains that the best medicine for you is to stop thinking about your condition. ט' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3337 - 3337 - Why would you make a Bar Mitzvah quietly? יו"ד אדר, תשט"ו
- 3338 - 3338 - Unusual Behavior in Lions: A Scholarly Discussion י"ב אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר נחמי' שי' מאלין
- 3339 - 3339 - The custom is to allow using someone else's tefillin even though you need to change the knot. [י"ב אדר, תשט"ו]
- 3340 - 3340 - To the extent possible, try diplomatically to have him move from the place the girl lives. י"ג אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם דוב שי' העכט
- 3341 - 3341 - Adding in Torah, mitzvot, and dedicated study of Chassidut brings increased blessings in both י"ג אדר, תשט"ו -
- 3342 - 3342 - The reason I didn't mention the "Chovat HaLevavot" and "Kuzari" י"ג אדר, תשט"ו
- 3343 - 3343 - You ask when will be the arrival of Moshiach, and the vision you had. ט"ו אדר, תשט"ו
- 3344 - 3344 - Seeks Rebbe's guidance: Becoming a doctor now or pursuing scientific research in medicine ט"ו אדר, תשט"ו
- 3345 - 3345 - Acknowledgment of Panim and Encouragement to Follow in the Footsteps of the Friediker Rebbe ט"ו אדר, תשט"ו - לאהלי"י באה"ק ת"ו
- 3346 - 3346 - Letter of Support for the 13th Annual Campaign for Lubavitch Yeshiva in Montreal ט"ז אדר, ה'תשט"ו - צו די טשערלייט, עסקנים און אנטיילנעמער אין דער 13 - יעריקער קאמפיין אונטערנעמונג פאר ישיבת תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטש אין מאנטרעאל
- 3347 - 3347 - Congratulations on the engagement of your daughter, may they build an eternal edifice. ט"ז אדר, ה'תשט"ו
- 3348 - 3348 - Surprised about no mention of the increase in Torah matters on the Yahrzeit of Shevt 10. ט"ז אדר, תשט"ו - מו"ה פסח אפרים שי' ריבר
- 3349 - 3349 - Greatly appreciate the sharing of the two stories, especially the one about my father! ט"ז אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יצחק נטע שי' ניב
- 3350 - 3350 - There is no contradiction between prayer and Torah study 3350
- 3351 - 3351 - Serve Hashem with joy. We are His children, and He supervises each one individually. י"ז אדר, תשט"ו
- 3352 - 3352 - Support Beis Rivkah: Girls' school prepares future mothers, the mainstay of home. טו"ב אדר, ה'תשט"ו - צו אלע פריינט פון תורה וחינוך הכשר און צו די אנטיילנעמר אין דער יערלעכע חגיגה פון "בית רבקה" בפרט
- 3353 - 3353 -Read your letter/report again of the best month for activities, reflect on how little done!
- 3354 - 3354 - Overcoming the Struggles with the Yetzer Hara - A Letter of Encouragement and Guidance י"ז אדר, תשט"ו
- 3355 - 3355 - Looking for sefarim on Sephardic names and listings of authors and sefarim in Morocco, Africa י"ז אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה שי' מטסוב
- 3356 - 3356 - Why is a tallit and a gartel in the Chabad tradition worn only after marriage?
- 3357 - 3357 - Why did you become so excited from the directive on how to behave at a farbrengen? י"ט אדר, תשט"ו
- 3358 - 3358 - Regarding the expansion – it is necessary to prepare, consult, and thoughtfully consider. י"ט אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חיים זוסיא שי' ווילימובסקי
- 3359 - 3359 - Truthfully, a beard helps livelihood. Pressuring your son cost him better opportunities. י"ט אדר, תשט"ו
- 3360 - 3360 - You worry about inconsistency in your service to Hashem and experience ups and downs. י"ט אדר, תשט"ו
- 3361 - 3361 - The Rebbe praises the publicizing in newspapers and encourages even more effort in the future כ' אדר, תשט"ו - מוהר"א חנוך שי' גליצנשטיין
- 3362 - 3362 - Study Chasidus in the morning before Shacharis, but also in the evening. כ' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3363 - 3363 - According to some codifiers, the mitzvah of visiting the sick is considered a biblical comman כ' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3364 - 3364 - Why go abroad for yeshiva when there are plenty of good options in Eretz Yisroel? כ' אדר, תשט"ו
- 3365 - 3365 - Appreciation for Student Contributions to Publications כ"א אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר דוד שי' חנזין
- 3366 - 3366 - Sometimes, you need to consider what is possible rather than what is desirable. כ"ב אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם אבא שי' פרידמן
- 3367 - 3367 - Thank you for the book "Agadot Talmud Yerushalmi" with your concise explanation. כ"ג אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר מתתי' יחזקאל שי' גוטמן
- 3368 - 3368 - Thanking Rabbi Zevin for sending the 6th volume of "Encyclopedia Talmudis. כ"ג אדר, תשט"ו - מוהרש"י שי' זוין
- 3369 - 3369 - Birthday Blessings and Well-Wishes כ"ו אדר, תשט"ו
- 3370 - 3370 - A Rabbi, called "Mara d'atra," holds both authority and strength to oversee all local matters כ"ז אדר, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 3371 - 3371 - The six thousand years of creation are divided either by 10 or by 12. כ"ז אדר, תשט"ו -מוה"ר משה שי' ימיני
- 3372 - 3372 - A remedy for certain transgressions. כ"ז אדר, תשט"ו
- 3373 - 3373 - Put in effort to ensure students continue at Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim after finishing school. כ"ז אדר, תשט"ו
- 3374 - 3374 -Transfer some items to your new home before Pesach. Start by bringing a siddur and Chitas. כ"ז אדר, תשט"ו
- 3375 - 3375 - Ensure a beautiful publication about the previous Rebbe's arrest, with a picture of the Rebbe כ"ח אדר, תשט"ו - מוהר"ש שי' מטסוב
- 3376 - 3376 - I was glad to hear about your participation in the Purim evening presentation by the students כ"ט אדר, תשט"ו - מו"ה מרדכי שי' סגל
- 3377 - 3377 - Why rely solely on your own strength? You should join a Chasidic farbrengen כ"ט אדר, תשט"ו
- 3378 - 3378 - With your lifted spirits, I'm sure you're using the light to disperse darkness outside. כ"ט אדר, תשט"ו
- 3379 - 3379 - You mention being concerned about a specific behavior in the hospital. כ"ט אדר, תשט"ו
- 3380 - 3380 -Thanking Mr. Kol for participating in celebration and progress in constructing of youth Center ער"ח ניסן, ה'תשט"ו - ער"ח ניסן, ה'תשט"ו