General Listings
Igros Kodesh vol. 11, 5715 - Nisan
- 3381 - 3381 - Lesson from Giving Maot Chitim before Pesach and we start the Seder with "whoever is needy." א' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה שי' הכהן שאיעוויטש
- 3382 - Customs for the year of mourning have been published. א' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל מנחם מענדל שי' שניאורסאהן
- 3383 - The righteous women brought redemption from Egypt; they can do so today too. ראש חדש ניסן, תשט"ו - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד
- 3384 - Have your son's upsherin on his 3rd birthday, as it is an auspicious and successful day. ב' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה זלמן שי' העכט
- 3385 - In Lubavitch, the approach is not one of rebuke. ד' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3386 - The Rebbe responds to questions regarding some of the principles of Judaism. ד' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3387 - The Rebbe explains about the timing of bein hashmashot (twilight period). ה' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר חיים מנחם שלמה שי' - דרוק
- 3388 - He Rebbe shares a thought with Rabbi Blumenfeld on the connection between Purim and Pesach. ה' ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר יוסף ברוך שי' בלומנפלד
- 3389 - It's great that you are successful in education. However, don’t neglect other areas. ה' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3390 - Even if you’re confident in your ideas, the right path is to consult with others. ו' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3391 - It’s unrealistic to accept a position only if everyone agrees and fully recognizes your authority. ו' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3392 - Don't be discouraged if influencing others to observe mitzvos takes time. ז' ניסן, תשט"ו - האברך דוד אברהם שי' לסלבוים
- 3393 - Physical redemption is linked to spiritual redemption. ח' ניסן, ה'תשט"ו - הגבאים ומתפללי בית הכנסת נוסח אר"י אלבאני פארק
- 3394 - Studying the Sichos isn’t enough—you must have a Rav. ח' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3395 - At 22, focus on a shidduch and pursue teaching, as is customary in Jerusalem. ח' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3396 - Physical freedom is merely a preparation for spiritual freedom. ח' ניסן, תשט"ו - מר בן ציון שי'
- 3397 - The Rebbe advises the young woman to accept the teaching position while continuing her education. ח' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3398 - To correct the past, increase in words of Torah and prayer, and pray with warmth and passion. ט' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3399 - I am surprised that you have stopped eating in the morning. ט' ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3400 - Notes to the sefer Nezer HaKodesh and responses by Rabbi Moshe Rosen. [י"א ניסן, תשט"ו]
- 3401 - Notes to the writings of Rabbi Rivkin. י"א ניסן, ה'תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה דובער שי' - רבקין
- 3402 - Even if justified, the ruling remains that one compelled (ones) is exempt. י"א ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3403 - Utilize the gathering to improve education and, unofficially, to find ways to involve the parents. י"א ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אהרן מרדכי שי'
- 3404 - The more you report to me, the more it will benefit you. י"א ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3405 - The Rebbe suggests to Rabbi Zevin that he reference the sources and their reliability. י"ב ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה יוסף שי'
- 3406 - We should strengthen our belief in the expanded Moshe, embodied in our generation by the Rebbe. י"ב ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3407 - Your complaint about not being successful in your activism stems from the Yetzer Hara. י"ג ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3408 - Thank you for the pictures of the three pages of the Tanya printed in Altona. י"ג ניסן, תשט"ו - מר א.ז. שי' בן ישי
- 3409 - In Tanya, Chapter 37, the word אף does not mean "although" but rather "in addition." א' חוהמ"פ, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל מנחם מענדל שי' שניאורסאהן
- 3410 - Some shuls won't allow him to recite the Rabbi's Kaddish (Kaddish D'Rabbanan) after the Mishnayos. [א' דחוהמ"פ, תשט"ו]
- 3411 - A student should not leave his yeshiva in Australia, where he is strengthening it. ג' דחוהמ"פ, תשט"ו
- 3412 - Thank you for distributing the Shmurah Matzah as requested; it is, as known, not for financial gain. ד' חוהמ"פ, תשט"ו - הנהלת אגודת חב"ד באה"ק ת"ו
- 3413 - I really enjoyed your efforts in distributing Shmurah Matzah to your friends, both past and present. חוהמ"פ, תשט"ו
- 3414 - Regarding the options of working as a counselor or completing a kindergarten teacher course כ"ה ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3415 - Spiritual state, at times inspired with purity and awe of Heaven, and at other times, etc. כ"ה ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3416 - It seems you are very occupied with what will happen six months from now. כ"ו ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3417 - On the contrary, the more detail you write to me, the better. כ"ו ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3418 - I loved the clippings and photos—it shows the Jewish heart is open to Torah and mitzvot. כ"ו ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר מרדכי שי'
- 3419 - 3419 כ"ז ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר משה שי' רוזין
- 3420 - 3420 כ"ז ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שלמה עובדי' שי'
- 3421 - 3421 כ"ז ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3422 - 3422 כ"ז ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3423 - 3423 כ"ח ניסן, תשט"ו - כבוד משתתפי בלימוד שיעור הגמרא בבית הכנסת צמח צדק נוסח האר"י פה ניו יארק, ובפרט לומדי השיעור הרה"ג וו"ח אי"א נו"נ עוסקים בצ"צ מוה"ר יחזקאל ומוה"ר גרשון
- 3424 - 3424 כ"ח ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3425 - 3425 כ"ח ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3426 - 3426 כ"ט ניסן, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 3427 - 3427 כ"ט ניסן, תשט"ו
- 3428 - 3428 כ"ט ניסן, תשט"ו