General Listings
Igros Kodesh vol. 10, 5715 - Tishrei
- 2965 - 2965 - My library and work are for the benefit of the community so your publications should be here. ד' תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם שי' המכונה ד"ר גולדברג
- 2966 - 2966 - On Rosh Hashanah I got an Aliya in the Sefer Torah you sent from the Kedoshim of Slavita ד' תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל אבא שי' שפירא
- 2967 - 2967 -If there are other tomb stones placed on the side of the grave (not by the head) then leave it ד' תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר פנחס טודרוס שי' אלטהויז
- 2968 - 2968 - Not to go home for the Shabbos meal to be with the family and farbreng all day is not proper. ו' תשרי, תשט"ו - אנ"ש והתמימים דכפר חב"ד אשר בארצנו הקדושה תבנה ותכונן ע"י משיח צדקנו
- 2969 - 2969 - Ok to use Sephardic pronunciation when reciting Chasidus this causes a pleasantness above. מוה"ר אברהם מרדכי שמואל שי' - לידר - ו' תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2970 - 2970 - Anash women should be proud of their dress code and with running a true Chasidic home. ו' תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2971 - 2971 - The impact is eternal, leave it up to Hashem even if you don’t see results of your teaching ו' תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2972 - 2972 -It’s necessary for you, from time to time to join a Chasidic farbrengen to refresh yourself. י"א תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2973 - 2973 - The reasons you give for not studying Chasidus are from the Yetzer Hara. י"א תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2974 - 2974 - Jealousy in general is a bad character trait unless it Leeds to an increase in Torah study. י"ג תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2975 - 2975 -The book on astronomy by Rabbi Chaim Vital is in my library. It is not referenced in Chasidus. י"ג תשרי תשט"ו
- 2976 - 2976 - For your question what specific activities for the shuls, I mean all areas that you mention. י"ג תשרי, תשט"ו - הנהלת אגודת חב"ד אשר בתל אביב, ה' עליהם יחיו
- 2977 - 2977 - I received your gift the Sefer Minchas Solas, as a sign of appreciation here are some notes. ד' חוהמ"ס, תשט"ו - מוה"ר פנחס שי' הירשפרונג
- 2978 - 2978 - The light created during the six days of creation was hidden in the Torah. כ"ד תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר גרשון שי' חן
- 2979 - 2979 There are thousands of students in Chabad in Morocco. Moneys raised allows for more students. כ"ד תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2980 - 2980Thank you for your sefer Sharei Mitzvos which provides handles to Torah. Very important nowadays כ"ז תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם צבי שי' וויינשטיין
- 2981 - 2981You can get interested in your studies if you put in effort diligently without distractions. כ"ז תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2982 - 2982 Three meanings in ערבים Responsible for another, pleasant to another, intertwined with another. כ"ז תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמעון ברוך שי' שו"ב אוחיון
- 2983 - 2983 - I was pleased that you led the prayers for the high holidays to honor Hashem with your voice. ב"ה, כ"ז תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר שמואל שי' ליובאשיצקי
- 2984 - 2984 - Noah died when Avraham was 58 how do we say, “In the times of Avraham Noah is not a Tzadik”? כ"ז תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אברהם סענדר שי
- 2985 - 2985 - Do not give up hope, women older than you are giving birth. Trust G-d, Drs. make mistakes כ"ח תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2986 - 2986 - Recite Modah Ani as soon as you wake up, not after netilas yadayim. כ"ח תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 2987 - 2987 - Words from the depth of the heart are best expressed in Yiddish. כ"ח תשרי, תשט"ו
- 2988 - 2988Chabad Chasidim are unique in that they are a united bloc, externally they may sometimes quarrel כ"ח תשרי, ה'תשט"ו
- 2989 - 2989 -When publicizing my talks be sure to note that these are based on the memory of the listeners. כ"ח תשרי, תשט"ו - מוה"ר א. חנוך שי' גליצנשטיין