General Listings
Igros Kodesh vol. 9, 5714 - Sivan
- 2694 - 2694 - The greatest of scholars cannot reach the depth of the Tanya; everyone gets something from it
- 2695 - 2695 - I am surprised that you are explaining the reason for the problem on other matters.
- 2696 - 2696 - Hashem said to Moshe to first talk to the women and then to the men.
- 2697 - 2697 - Perhaps you should give the opportunity to ask questions, get the participants more involved.
- 2698 - 2698 - It is a shame that you delay in notifying me good news!
- 2699 - 2699 - As we are preparing for Matan Torah when all Jews became healthy.
- 2700 - 2700 - Your son should continue with his studies, too early to worry about his future and marriage.
- 2701 - 2701 - It is unimaginable great that you got the boy to once again put on Teffilin regularly.
- 2702 - 2702 - It gave me pleasure that you are studying the holy Tanya daily.
- 2703 - 2703 - When you have difficulty concentrating, change the subject to another subject you enjoy.
- 2704 - 2704 - Helping your daughter’s health in natural ways, also do something about it spiritually.
- 2705 - 2705 - For pain in your leg, giving charity and physically helping another yid.
- 2706 - 2706 - The Chabad tradition is to say in the Shecheyanu blessing: Lizamn with a chirik not Lazman
- 2707 - 2707 - A shul and especially a Chabad Shul should keep on growing.
- 2708 - 2708 - Without knowing a word of French, The refuges from Russia and Poland were extremely successfu
- 2709 - 2709 - To be successful, especially with the women, go gently and emphasize the positive.
- 2710 - 2710 - Details in the blessings of the Kohanim
- 2711 - 2711 - Chasidus is the soul of Torah; the soul vitalizes the body the reveled part of Torah
- 2712 - 2712 - It is not possible that his community work interferes with his Torah Study.
- 2713 - 2713 - The worst peace is still better than even a slight controversy.
- 2714 - 2714 - Fixing the Mikvah hastens the time of Moshiach.
- 2715 - 2715 - The holy Shaloh: Not knowing is also be considered a sin.
- 2716 - 2716 - Enjoyed reading that you brought into shul a new Torah with song and music.
- 2717 - 2717 - If you look around you with open eyes, you will see that Hashem runs the world.
- 2718 - 2718 - To correct the sin, recite orally: Mishnayos, Tanya, Vehodarta, Tzedakah, kiruv.
- 2719 - 2719 -To fix partially negligence of family purity laws, support a Mikvah and influence other women.
- 2720 - 2720 - Shema Yisroel in the head and hand Teffilin reach the nerve system and blood of the body.
- 2721 - 2721 - Not to accept the offer of the grooms side to pay for all expenses of wedding, apartment etc.
- 2722 - 2722 -If you are entitled to receive money that you do not need, take it and give it to Tzedaka.
- 2723 - 2723 - You should be thanking Hashem that she found her match, not worrying about money matters.
- 2724 - 2724 - You need to keep the times for eating, drinking and sleeping that fit your body.
- 2725 - 2725 - Since you are upset, this causes you to make a mistake in the law.
- 2726 - 2726 - A successful marriage cannot be based on the approach: I do not want and I am being forced.
- 2727 - 2727 - How can you not believe when you have already counted the money?
- 2728 - 2728 - The approach needs to be with joy and trust that you will succeed
- 2729 - 2729 - I cannot and do not want to change the path of Lubavitch
- 2730 - 2730 - Utilize every moment to absorb Chasidus so you will be in the front to great Moshiach
- 2731 - 2731 - Do not be too strict in accepting new students in their own classes.
- 2732 - 2732 - Peace in the home depends on the women in a greater measure.
- 2733 - 2733 - Torah brings life into the world.
- 2734 - 2734 -There is enough room in Chabad for everyone to utilize their talents without infringing
- 2735 - 2735 - Anyone who participates in the work of the Rebbe is blessed with blessings and success.
- 2736 - 2736 - It will affect his health if you do not find a halachic allowance for him to pray and study.
- 2737 - 2737 - Get qualified teachers in a timely manner so you will avoid last minute taking just anyone.
- 2738 - 2738 - There needs to be at least one Lubavitch Yeshiva in Europe that is in France.
- 2739 - 2739 - I sent you a telegram to try to protect your wife from violating the Shabbos.
- 2740 - 2740 - Each person needs to study Chitas. It brings success in physical matters.
- 2741 - 2741 - May Hashem help you to reconnect to the tree of life.
- 2742 - 2742 - Hashem’s love will be reveled, the judgment sweetened, and the negative will disappear.
- 2743 - 2743 - Since your father studied in Lubavitch, you should realize the necessity to study Chasidus.
- 2744 - 2744 - The Chabad women and daughter groups are of foremost important for Chabad women themselves.
- 2745 - 2745 - The Arizal said that in our times it is a mitzvah to study the esoteric parts of Torah.
- 2746 - 2746 - It is a Mitzvah that you must do all you can to provide for yourself and family members.
- 2747 - 2747 - In a diplomatic way not to shame anyone, look into the conversions.
- 2748 - 2748 - What to do about your 16 year old who is not interested in his studies?
- 2749 - 2749 - Not to move to a non-religious Kibbutz.
- 2750 - 2750 - Use natural means to provide for your family. Get a job!
- 2751 - 2751 - For many reasons if possible it is better to get Swiss rather than French citizenship.
- 2752 - 2752 - The Rebbe’s do not suggest names for the newborns.
- 2753 - 2753 A boat owned by a Jew, even if the workers are non-Jews, it may be a Torah violation on Shabbos
- 2754 - 2754 - Put the source where the Rebbe’s words are from so one can explore it further.
- 2755 - 2755 - Saving even one life physically and certainly spiritually is like sustaining the entire world
- 2756 - 2756 - All the difficulties you are experiencing come from one source, from the yetzer hora.
- 2757 - 2757 - Got your note just on time and I prayed for you at the Ohel
- 2758 - 2758 -The name Beis Yosef is meaningful, to have the animal soul appriciate the greatness of Hashem.
- 2759 - 2759 - Since you farbreng with them, I am sending you a copy of a letter I sent to the congregants
- 2760 - 2760 - I do not agree for you to start davning on Shabbos at midday.
- 2761 - 2761 - For your birthday get an Aliyah, add a class in nigleh and Chasidus, in addition to Chitas.
- 2762 - 2762 - Better not to print strong words in a small publication where the material stands out.
- 2763 - 2763 - To sustain their Torah your sons must study Chasidus. They need to see you learning Chasidus.
- 2764 - 2764 - You need to work in an organized way not hastily.
- 2765 - 2765 - Make your friends aware of the mesiras-nefesh conduct in Chasidic homes.
- 2766 - 2766 - When educational staff meet they can come up with a good presentation to the parents/students
- 2767 - 2767 - Thank you for discussing in farbrengens importance of davening beavoda and studying Chasidus.
- 2768 - 2768 - Know by-heart Mishnayos, Tanya and Tehilim and grab every free moment to recite them.
- 2769 - 2769 - From good, it should get even better in your personal and communal matters.
- 2770 - 2770 - As we are instructed to improve matters of holiness, may your health keep on improving.
- 2771 - 2771 - No need to run away, Hashem’s glory fills the world and he watches you.
- 2772 - 2772 - You keep on complaining that it is impossible to build a Yeshiva in Australia.