General Listings
Igros Kodesh vol. 12, 5716 - Kislev
- 3918 - 3918 - A relative excitedly informed Rashab about a recent nervous system discovery. א' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה ארי' שי' לוין
- 3919 - 3919 - I do things on a larger scale rather than making them smaller ב' כסלו, ה'תשט"ז - מהרש"ז שי' שזר
- 3922 - 3920 - If you can acquire their books for our library by exchanging them with books. Not to buy. ב' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה עזריאל זליג שי' סלונים
- 3921 - 3921 - Heaven forbid giving up hope of ever having children; this is a most important Mitzvah. ב' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3922 - 3922 - Talmudic discussions with Rabbi Ephraim Zev Garbuz, author of Kav Hamidah and Har Ephraim. ב' כסלו, תשט"ז - אפרים זאב שי' גרבוז
- 3923 - 3923 - A person's mind directs their heart. If you genuinely decide to act on your beliefs. ב' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3924 - 3924 -Even if your pessimistic self-evaluation were 100% accurate, feeling down is entirely rejected ג' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3925 - 3925 - Activists may at times be less active, claiming there's nothing to do. That's only an excuse. ג' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3926 - 3926 - Prepare for the auspicious day of the 10th, 19th, and the fifth night of Chanukah. ג' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3927 - 3927 - Impacting youth indirectly through farbrengens, etc., is much more effective than directly. ה' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה יוסף שי' פלייער
- 3928 - 3928 - Appreciation to Rabbi Telushkin for sending new book. Rebbe shares some notes. ה' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה ניסן שי' טלושקין
- 3929 - 3929 - Utilize the latest Yiddish publication with lighter content for women. ו' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3930 - 3930 - When the shluchim come to your community, arrange for the two main goals: to sow spirituality ו' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה שלמה זלמן שי' העכט
- 3931 - 3931 - Ensure that the Days of Study are conducted in the best way possible. ו' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה ליב שי' שו"ב זלמנוב
- 3932 - 3932 - The community's spiritual standing underscores the importance of constructing the Mikvah ז' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3933 - 3933 - I am very surprised that establishing a Mikvah in a big city is considered difficult. ז' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה מיכאל שי' ליפסקר
- 3934 - 3934 Remember that wherever you are, it is for the purpose of bringing Torah, mitzvos, and Chasidus ז' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה ישראל אהרן שי' נפרסטק
- 3935 - 3935 - In our times, we need a tremendous amount of encouragement for the youth in authentic Judaism ז' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה אהרן אלימלך שי' שאולזון
- 3936 - 3936 - You recognize that one needs to dive into the necessary tasks, the difficulties fade away. ח' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה יצחק זלמן שי' פויזנר
- 3937 - 3937 -It was pleasant to read about Rabbi Raskin's visit. I'm sure he left a lasting positive impact ח' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה יהודה ליב שי' סלונים
- 3938 - 3938 - Hashem's love for every Jew surpasses a parent's love for their only child born in old age. ח' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה מרדכי שי' מילר
- 3939 - 3939 - There must be a reason they visited you, as you can help them improve in Yiddishkeit. ח' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3940 - 3940 - Tell him to start learning Chasidus without waiting for his return from the hospital. ט' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3941 - 3941 - Even though she knows the boy well, she's unsure about marrying him. ט' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3942 - 3942 - May the support in publishing the Mamer stand by you for a speedy recovery. ט' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה שמרי' שי' הכהן סופר פעקטאר
- 3943 - 3943 - By the time you receive this letter, hopefully, you will be fully recovered. ט' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3944 - 3944 - Procreation is a mostt important mitzvah. Trust Hashem that he will help you to fulfill it. ט' כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3945 - 3945 - "I've emphasized repeatedly: Torah and mitzvot are the vessel for Hashem's blessings." יו"ד כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3946 - 3946 -A boy's first haircut takes place after he turns 3. It is also discussed in Chasidus. יו"ד כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה שמואל אלעזר שי' שאולזון
- 3947 - 3947 -The Rebbe is pleased with 770's Shiurim. Gives many blessings. יו"ד כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה יוחנן שליט"א גורדון
- 3948 - 3948 - Answers Rabbi Yoles's question about a seeming contradiction in mamorim in Torah Ohr. יו"ד כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 3949 - 3949 - It is very important to attract parents of children in school or private education. י"ב כסלו, תשט"ז - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד
- 3950 - 3950 - The month of Kislev is a time for miracles, both for the soul and body, for good health. י"ב כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה אברהם יהודא שי' חן
- 3951 - 3951 - Kislev 19 and the surrounding days is an opportune time for blessings. י"ב כסלו, תשט"ז - הנהלת צעירי אגודת חב"ד
- 3952 - 3952 - In my view, continue Yeshivah next year without worrying about your future livelihood. י"ב כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3953 - 3953 - You request sending a Shaliach to Melbourne, someone with many strengths. י"ב כסלו, תשט"ז - עסקני ישיבת אהלי יוסף יצחק ליובאוויטש אשר במעלבורן
- 3954 - 3954 - Thanks for visiting the institutions and Chabad settlements in Israel. י"ג כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה אפרים שי' וולף
- 3955 - 3955 - Glad you joined the farbrengen. Keep strengthening Yiddishkeit year-round. י"ג כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה דוד שי' לאופער
- 3956 - 3956 - It brings out your hidden strengths when you know that you need to report to someone else. י"ד כסלו, תשט"ז - האברך אהרן שי' סרברנסקי
- 3957 - 3957 - The Alter Rebbe merited redemption because he did good for the many. י"ד כסלו, ה'תשט"ז
- 3958 - 3958 - When I speak, encourage, and see no results, it renders my words as wasteful words. ב"ה, י"ד כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה מאיר שי' גורקאוו
- 3959 - 3959 - Did you save your translations of my father-in-law's talks into French and German? י"ד כסלו, ה'תשט"ז - מוה"ר שלמה שי' המכונה דר. עהרמאן
- 3960 - 3960 - Your holiday prayers as a chazan went smoothly, indicating that your prayers are accepted. י"ד כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה שמעון זאב שליט"א רובין
- 3961 - 3961 - After over a year in Chabad Yeshivah, you claim no change at all. י"ד כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3962 - 3962 - Greetings for the celebration of the ordination of Yeshivah Tomchei Temimim in Montreal! ט"ו כסלו, ה'תשט"ז
- 3963 - 3963 - Being depressed comes from the strange G-d within you, which is your Yetzer Hora. ט"ו כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3964 - 3964 - Instructions for a siyum Sefer Torah are detailed in a recent letter from my father-in-law. ט"ו כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3965 - 3965 - You can continue to write in French, as I personally open the letters and read French. ט"ו כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3966 - 3966 - There is an opportunity to send request papers for people in the USSR. ט"ז כסלו, תשט"ז - הנהלת אגודת חב"ד אשר באה"ק
- 3967 - 3967 - We start the day by being grateful and thankful. This sets the tone for the entire day. ט"ז כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3968 - 3968 -Action is the main thing, not speech. Your encouragement should lead to practical daily action טו"ב כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה יצחק שי' דובאוו
- 3969 - 3969 - I am not getting involved in the issue of frozen meat, as the allowances are not unanimous. כ' כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה מרדכי שי' הכהן פרלוב
- 3970 - 3970 - Instead of coming here right away, spend a year in the yeshivah in Lod. כ"א כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3971 - 3971 - Write a detailed report from the farbrengens with recordings of the songs and speeches. כ"א כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה אברהם חנוך שי' גליצנשטיין
- 3972 - 3972 - When moving into your new home, first of all, bring a siddur, Chumash, Tehillim, and Tanya. כ"ב כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3973 - 3973 - Congratulations on your new job at the OU! כ"ב כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה אברהם דוב שי' העכט
- 3974 - 3974 - I am very pleased that you recognize the positive light within Chasidus. כ"ב כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3975 - 3975 - Discussion with Rabbi Yoles on how the energy from above comes down to Eretz Yisroel. כ"ב כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 3976 - 3976 - When the siddur and Shulchan Aruch of the Alter Rebbe differ, we go by the siddur. כ"ג כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה דוד שי' שפירא
- 3977 - 3977 - I will mention you and your family at the holy Tziyon of my father-in-law. כ"ג כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3978 - 3978 - For a Tomchei Temimim graduate, the following should have been apparent: כ"ג כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3979 - 3979 -Since the bad news came at farbrengen for Kislev 19, I'm confident things will improve quickly כ"ד כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3980 - 3980 - You exchanged your home and bought half a house, but your success seems to have deteriorated. כ"ו כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3981 - 3981 - You have the necessary strength, and it is up to you to have Kabbalat Ol. כ"ו כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3982 - 3982 - Settling in a senior citizens' home is by divine providence, ordained from above. כ"ו כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3983 - 3983 - You worry about your son's potential match due to the girl's mother's past health issues. כ"ז כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3984 - 3984 - Your wife's health issues probably stem from nerves. כ"ז כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3985 - 3985 - The Rebbe is very appreciative of all that he is doing for Yiddishkeit in his circles, etc. כ"ז כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה דוד שי' הלמן
- 3986 - 3986 - To avoid nocturnal emissions don't think about it, even for ways to correct it. כ"ז כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3987 - 3987 - I was pleased with your report, although short, on the activities of the month of Kislev. כ"ח כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3988 - 3988 - Always remember you're in Montreal to be a living example of a Tomchei Temimim student. ד' דחנוכה, תשט"ז
- 3989 - 3989 - Don't settle for the impact the farbrengen had on laypeople; ensure it sparks positive action כ"ט כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3990 - 3990 - Participate in Chassidus, Niglah, and Chabad activities to share the wellspring externally כ"ט כסלו, תשט"ז
- 3991 - 3991 - To publish your late father's entire responsa in one journal depends on the other material. כ"ט כסלו, תשט"ז - מרת שושנה תחי' חן-זהבי
- 3992 - 3992 - After a long silence, I received your report about the farbrengens associated with Kislev 19 כ"ט כסלו, תשט"ז - מו"ה שלמה חיים שי' קסלמן
- 3993 - 3993 - We cannot allow people from the outside to mix into the spiritual aspects of the Reshet. כ"ט כסלו, תשט"ז - הנהלת הרשת
- 3994 - 3994 - Message from the Rebbe to the annual dinner of the Central Lubavitch Yeshivah: חנוכה, נר חמישי, תשט"ז - צו אלע פארזאמעלטע און אנטיילנעמער אין דער יערלעכער ארצות-הברית חגיגה פון מרכז הישיבות תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטש