General Listings
אגרות קודש חלק ט
Igros Kodesh vol. 9, 5714 - Iyar
- 2623 - 2623 - I am surprised that your family decided not to have a mechitza at the wedding.אדר"ח אייר, תשי"ד
- 2624 - 2624 - While we can find an allowance for an upseherenish during sefirah.אדר"ח אייר, תשי"ד
- 2625 - 2625 - A Chasid knows what is written in the sefer is true, a Misnaged thinks that his idea is true.ב' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2626 - 2626 - I enjoyed reading in your letter that your son is starting his studies in cheder.ב' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2627 - 2627 - It seems that before you make your visits you don’t have a detailed plan.' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2628 - 2628 - We pray 3 times daily that the slanderers should have no hope.ד' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2629 - 2629 - Your influence to bring people closer to Torah, Mitzvos and Chasidus brings physical energy.ד' אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יצחק שי' הכהן
- 2630 - 2630 - As there are complaints from the teachers.ד' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2631 - 2631 - When you don’t even open on as the eye of a needleד' אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר זלמן טובי' שי' הכהן אבלסקי
- 2632 - 2632 - Our holey Rebbe’s provide for the flow of blessings for their students and Chasidim.
- 2633 - 2633 - Make fitting vessels to receive the blessings. We are all believers’ sons of believers.
- 2634 - 2634 - When you increase the health of your community spiritually, Hashem’s adds physical health.ד' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2635 - 2635
- 2636 - 2636 - Alter Rebbe’s deep insight in explaining Abraham’s act in the akida.ז' אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יוסף שי' פלייער
- 2637 - 2637 - Your recovery was a miracle so you should show your appreciation to Hashem.ז' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2638 - 2638 - Tzedaka provides protection for all matters.ז' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2639 - 2639 - Explain to the Rabbi that to connect to the Rebbe’s you must study their teachings.ז' אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר דוד שי' טננהויז
- 2640 - 2640 - To be decided if Chabad should officially be participating in the book on Vitebsk.ז' אייר, תשי"ד - מוהר""ש (שלמה) שי' מטסוב
- 2641 - 2641 - I am shocked that some of the Chasidim would get their Matzah from a non Chabad bakery.ח' אייר, תשי"ד - מוהרינו הרב ניסן נמנוב שיחי
- 2642 - 2642 - In addition to the very seriousness of the sin it causes bodily harm.ח' אייר, תשי"ד - מוהר"ר חנני' יום טוב ליפא שי' דייטש
- 2643 - 2643 - From here on use a head covering and use a proper Mikvah.From here on use a head covering and use a proper Mikvah.
- 2644 - 2644 - In general, you need to follow the Drs. Instruction.יו"ד אייר, תשי"ד -
- 2645 - 2645 - You write that you do not know how to help yourself?יו"ד אייר, תשי"ד
- 2646 - 2646 - It involves the laws of terumos and masros, which are complicated.י"א אייר, תשי"ד
- 2647 - 2647 - Chasidim are all one structure you cannot try to grab what belongs to your friend.י"א אייר, תשי"ד
- 2648 - 2648 - Continuation of arguments on the authenticity of the Geniza Chersonitי"ג אייר תשי"ד
- 2649 - 2649 - The Emunah today may be logical in the future.י"ג אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר דוד שי' הלמן
- 2650 - 2650 - When you take out a new Sefer Torah in middle of the reading what is the status of Berachaי"ג אייר, תשי"ד - בצלאל שי' שד"ר ווילשנסקי
- 2651 - 2651 - Pleased with the project of research work on the works of the Alter Rebbe.פסח שני, ה'תשי"ד - מהרש"ז שי' שזר
- 2652 - 2652 - The yetzer-hora convinces you that it is someone else’s fault that you are not successful.י"ד אייר, תשי"ד
- 2653 - 2653 - Hashem does not want the use of harsh words and whips even to change to the good.ט"ו אייר, תשי"ד
- 2654 - 2654 - Thank you for the proofs of the publication of the Ramban commentary with your notes.ט"ו אייר, ה'תשי"ד - מוהרצ"ה שי' אייזנשטט
- 2655 - 2655 - You should not be upset teaching young children Aleph Beis.ט"ו אייר, תשי"ד
- 2656 - 2656 - It is the Yetzer Hora’s counsel to scare you.ט"ו אייר, תשי"ד
- 2657 - 2657 - I have already told you that it is important that your reach out to the Balei Batimט"ו אייר, תשי"ד
- 2657 - 2657star - It is strongly recomended to set up the date for the Chasunah so it is a clean Chupah.ט"ו אייר, תשי"ד
- 2658 - 2658 - Working diligently and bringing Jews closer to Hashem is your reward.ט"ז אייר, תשי"ד
- 2659 - 2659 - When you do someone a favor, you end up with a bigger favor yourself.ט"ז אייר, תשי"ד
- 2660 - 2660 - They will accept into the school those who display responsibility and self-control.ט"ז אייר, תשי"ד
- 2661 - 2661 - Add light to all those that are in your surroundings.ט"ז אייר, תשי"ד
- 2662 - 2662 - I am participating in your commemorative supporters Journal.ל"ג בעומר, ה'תשי"ד - הנהלת בית הספר והסמנריון "בית רבקה" יערש, צרפת
- 2663 - 2663 - How can those in leadership positions say that the Chabad work is too difficult?י"ח אייר, תשי"ד - הנהלת צעירי אגודת חב"ד בעיה"ק ירושלים ת"ו
- 2664 - 2664 - Wild behavior is not looked upon favorably in this countryי"ח אייר, תשי"ד
- 2665 - 2665 - When you find yourself in new surroundings utilize it to bring people closer to Hashemכ' אייר לוין, תשי"ד - מוה"ר ישראל יהודא שי'
- 2666 - 2666 - Where do the souls of the kind amongst the nation come from?כ' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2667 - 2667 - We are obligated in all the mitzvoth, the difference is from where to begin.כ' אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אהרן שי' הכהןכ"ץ
- 2668 - 2668 - When you judge favorably be careful this does not cause destruction.כ' אייר, תשי"ד
- 2669 - 2669 - Be careful with the ones working on the manuscripts.כ"א אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אברהם יהודא שי' חן
- 2670 - 2670 - When your get tired while studying, take a break, Change subjectכ"א אייר, תשי"ד
- 2671 - 2671 - Make the upsherin on Lag Beomer.כ"א אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יוסף שי' גולדברג
- 2672 - 2672 - Why are you sitting with your hands folded while there is successes beyond nature?כ"א אייר, תשי"ד
- 2673 - 2673 - People cannot interfere with your livelihood that comes from Hashem.כ"א אייר, תשי"ד
- 2674 - 2674 - Doing community work even if this will on occasion effect your study is ok.כ"א אייר, תשי"ד
- 2675 - 2675 - Unless you take out all items I noted you have no permission to say that I saw the manuscriptכ"א אייר, תשי"ד
- 2676 - 2676 - Make parties for the children to get them involved.כ"א אייר, תשי"ד
- 2677 - 2677 - In order to be successful in study, you must have Kabolas Olכ"ג אייר, תשי"ד
- 2678 - 2678 - Just as you are obligated in Torah study and Mitzvot, you need to influence others.כ"ד אייר, תשי"ד
- 2679 - 2679 - The expansion of Moshe Rabeinu in our generation is the Rebbe.כ"ד אייר, תשי"ד
- 2680 - 2680 - I am shocked that you would blame that what happened on me being upset.כ"ה אייר, תשי"ד
- 2681 - 2681 - How is that after seeing amazing successes you are still in doubt on every step of the way?כ"ח אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יהושע [שניאור זלמן] שי' סרברנסקי
- 2682 - 2682 - You are old enough to understand that you need to have your mind dominate your will.כ"ח אייר, תשי"ד
- 2683 - 2683 - You have experienced yourself that things worked out so well that you were sorry you worried.כ"ח אייר, תשי"ד
- 2684 - 2684 - What do I need to do to become a Lubavitch Chasid?"ט אייר, תשי"ד ברוקלין.
- 2685 - 2685 - I am shocked that you would put your children in an anti-religious school.כ"ט אייר, תשי"ד
- 2686 - 2686 - You wish to come to visit me. In general is a good idea but needs to meet 2 conditions.כ"ט אייר, תשי"ד
- 2687 - 2687 - Chabad tradition is to study Sotah during Sefirah Not Shavuos.כ"ט אייר, תשי"ד
- 2688 - 2688 - The time has come not to be just plowing and sowing but to cut and gather the fruits.כ"ט אייר, תשי"ד
- 2689 - 2689 - Torah is Hashem’s understanding and will, the greatest and the smallest are equally distant.כ"ט אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אברהם יעקב שי' ניימארק
- 2690 - 2690 - Allow for the students to travel to the Rebbe but make them work for it.כ"ט אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר מנחם זאב שי' הלוי גרינגלס
- 2691 - 2691 - Fill the hours you have to teach Yiras Shamayim to last for rest of the dayכ"ט אייר, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שלמה שי' גרינוולד
- 2692 - 2692 - A farbrengen will definitely bring good results, it may take some time.כ"ט אייר, תשי"ד
- 2693 - 2693 - If in all times, you need Yiras Shamayim to preserve the Torah study, how much more nowadays.כ"ט אייר, תשי"ד
Igros Kodesh vol. 9, 5714 - Sivan
- 2694 - 2694 - The greatest of scholars cannot reach the depth of the Tanya; everyone gets something from itא' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2695 - 2695 - I am surprised that you are explaining the reason for the problem on other matters.א' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2696 - 2696 - Hashem said to Moshe to first talk to the women and then to the men.א' סיון, תשי"ד - ליידיס אוקזילערי אוו בראנזויל ענד איסט נויארק, ובראשה הפרעזד. מרת דבורה תחי' גרינבערג.
- 2697 - 2697 - Perhaps you should give the opportunity to ask questions, get the participants more involved.א' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יעקב אליעזר שי' פרידריך
- 2698 - 2698 - It is a shame that you delay in notifying me good news!א' סיון, תשי"ד - מוהרנ"ן ] שי' [נמנוב]
- 2699 - 2699 - As we are preparing for Matan Torah when all Jews became healthy.א' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2700 - 2700 - Your son should continue with his studies, too early to worry about his future and marriage.א' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2701 - 2701 - It is unimaginable great that you got the boy to once again put on Teffilin regularly.ב' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אלחנן שי' הכהן קאווען
- 2702 - 2702 - It gave me pleasure that you are studying the holy Tanya daily.ב' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר חיים שמעון זאב שליט"א רובין
- 2703 - 2703 - When you have difficulty concentrating, change the subject to another subject you enjoy.ג' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2704 - 2704 - Helping your daughter’s health in natural ways, also do something about it spiritually.ג' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2705 - 2705 - For pain in your leg, giving charity and physically helping another yid.ג' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2706 - 2706 - The Chabad tradition is to say in the Shecheyanu blessing: Lizamn with a chirik not Lazmanה' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אברהם חיים שי' נאה
- 2707 - 2707 - A shul and especially a Chabad Shul should keep on growing.ה' סיון, תשי"ד - מר א. שקלובסקי שיחיה
- 2708 - 2708 - Without knowing a word of French, The refuges from Russia and Poland were extremely successfuה' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר חיים שי' הערמאן
- 2709 - 2709 - To be successful, especially with the women, go gently and emphasize the positive.ה' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שמואל מנחם מענדל שי' ליברוב
- 2710 - 2710 - Details in the blessings of the Kohanimה' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 2711 - 2711 - Chasidus is the soul of Torah; the soul vitalizes the body the reveled part of Torahערב חג השבועות ה'תשי"ד - מוהר"ר סלימאן דוד ני"ו ששון
- 2712 - 2712 - It is not possible that his community work interferes with his Torah Study.ח' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2713 - 2713 - The worst peace is still better than even a slight controversy.ח' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2714 - 2714 - Fixing the Mikvah hastens the time of Moshiach.ח' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר זלמן שמעון שי' דווארקין
- 2715 - 2715 - The holy Shaloh: Not knowing is also be considered a sin.ח' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר דן שי' בנגרדן
- 2716 - 2716 - Enjoyed reading that you brought into shul a new Torah with song and music.ח' סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שלמה שי' אפלבוים
- 2717 - 2717 - If you look around you with open eyes, you will see that Hashem runs the world.ח' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2718 - 2718 - To correct the sin, recite orally: Mishnayos, Tanya, Vehodarta, Tzedakah, kiruv.ח' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2719 - 2719 -To fix partially negligence of family purity laws, support a Mikvah and influence other women.ח' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2720 - 2720 - Shema Yisroel in the head and hand Teffilin reach the nerve system and blood of the body.ט' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2721 - 2721 - Not to accept the offer of the grooms side to pay for all expenses of wedding, apartment etc.ט' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2722 - 2722 -If you are entitled to receive money that you do not need, take it and give it to Tzedaka.ט' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2723 - 2723 - You should be thanking Hashem that she found her match, not worrying about money matters.ט' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2724 - 2724 - You need to keep the times for eating, drinking and sleeping that fit your body.ט' סיון, תשי"ד
- 2725 - 2725 - Since you are upset, this causes you to make a mistake in the law.יו"ד סיון, תשי"ד
- 2726 - 2726 - A successful marriage cannot be based on the approach: I do not want and I am being forced.יו"ד סיון, תשי"ד
- 2727 - 2727 - How can you not believe when you have already counted the money?יו"ד סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יהושע שניאור זלמן שי' - סברנסקי
- 2728 - 2728 - The approach needs to be with joy and trust that you will succeedיו"ד סיון, תשי"ד
- 2729 - 2729 - I cannot and do not want to change the path of Lubavitchי"ב סיון, תשי"ד - הרה"ח הוו"ח אי"א נו"נ עוסקים בצ"צ, מוה"ר אברהם שי' דרייזין ומוה"ר אפרים שי' וואלף שלום וברכה!
- 2730 - 2730 - Utilize every moment to absorb Chasidus so you will be in the front to great Moshiachט"ו סיון, תשי"ד
- 2731 - 2731 - Do not be too strict in accepting new students in their own classes.ט"ז סיון, תשי"ד - הנהלת ישיבת תומכי תמימים אשר בלוד, ד' עליהם יחיו
- 2732 - 2732 - Peace in the home depends on the women in a greater measure.י"ז סיון, תשי"ד
- 2733 - 2733 - Torah brings life into the world.י"ז סיון, תשי"ד
- 2734 - 2734 -There is enough room in Chabad for everyone to utilize their talents without infringingי"ז סיון, תשי"ד
- 2735 - 2735 - Anyone who participates in the work of the Rebbe is blessed with blessings and success.י"ז סיון, תשי"ד
- 2736 - 2736 - It will affect his health if you do not find a halachic allowance for him to pray and study.י"ט סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יהודא זאב שי' סגל
- 2737 - 2737 - Get qualified teachers in a timely manner so you will avoid last minute taking just anyone.כ' סיון, תשי"ד - הנהלת הרשת באה"ק ת"ו, ד' עליהם יחיו
- 2738 - 2738 - There needs to be at least one Lubavitch Yeshiva in Europe that is in France.כ' סיון, תשי"ד - מוהרנ"ן שי' נמנוב
- 2739 - 2739 - I sent you a telegram to try to protect your wife from violating the Shabbos.כ"א סיון, תשי"ד
- 2740 - 2740 - Each person needs to study Chitas. It brings success in physical matters.כ"ב סיון
- 2741 - 2741 - May Hashem help you to reconnect to the tree of life.כ"ב סיון, תשי"ד
- 2742 - 2742 - Hashem’s love will be reveled, the judgment sweetened, and the negative will disappear.כ"ד סיון, תשי"ד
- 2743 - 2743 - Since your father studied in Lubavitch, you should realize the necessity to study Chasidus.כ"ד סיון, תשי"ד
- 2744 - 2744 - The Chabad women and daughter groups are of foremost important for Chabad women themselves.כ"ד סיון, תשי"ד
- 2745 - 2745 - The Arizal said that in our times it is a mitzvah to study the esoteric parts of Torah.כ"ד סיון, תשי"ד
- 2746 - 2746 - It is a Mitzvah that you must do all you can to provide for yourself and family members.כ"ד סיון, תשי"ד
- 2747 - 2747 - In a diplomatic way not to shame anyone, look into the conversions.כ"ו סיון, תשי"ד
- 2748 - 2748 - What to do about your 16 year old who is not interested in his studies?כ"ו סיון, תשי"ד
- 2749 - 2749 - Not to move to a non-religious Kibbutz.
- 2750 - 2750 - Use natural means to provide for your family. Get a job!כ"ז סיון, תשי"ד
- 2751 - 2751 - For many reasons if possible it is better to get Swiss rather than French citizenship.כ"ז סיון, תשי"ד
- 2752 - 2752 - The Rebbe’s do not suggest names for the newborns.כ"ז סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר מנחם נחום יצחק אייזיק שי' חנון
- 2753 - 2753 A boat owned by a Jew, even if the workers are non-Jews, it may be a Torah violation on Shabbosכ"ח סיון, תשי"ד
- 2754 - 2754 - Put the source where the Rebbe’s words are from so one can explore it further.כ"ח סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר מתתי' יחזקאל שי'גוטמן
- 2755 - 2755 - Saving even one life physically and certainly spiritually is like sustaining the entire worldכ"ח סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יצחק אוחנה שי
- 2756 - 2756 - All the difficulties you are experiencing come from one source, from the yetzer hora.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2757 - 2757 - Got your note just on time and I prayed for you at the Ohelכ"ט סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 2758 - 2758 -The name Beis Yosef is meaningful, to have the animal soul appriciate the greatness of Hashem.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד - מתפללי בית הכנסת בית יוסף אשר בירושלים עיה"ק ת"ו
- 2759 - 2759 - Since you farbreng with them, I am sending you a copy of a letter I sent to the congregantsכ"ט סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר נחום שמרי' שי' ששונקין
- 2760 - 2760 - I do not agree for you to start davning on Shabbos at midday.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2761 - 2761 - For your birthday get an Aliyah, add a class in nigleh and Chasidus, in addition to Chitas.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2762 - 2762 - Better not to print strong words in a small publication where the material stands out.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד - מוהר"א חנוך שי' גליצנשטיין
- 2763 - 2763 - To sustain their Torah your sons must study Chasidus. They need to see you learning Chasidus.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2764 - 2764 - You need to work in an organized way not hastily.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2765 - 2765 - Make your friends aware of the mesiras-nefesh conduct in Chasidic homes.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2766 - 2766 - When educational staff meet they can come up with a good presentation to the parents/studentsכ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2767 - 2767 - Thank you for discussing in farbrengens importance of davening beavoda and studying Chasidus.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שלמה חיים שי' קסלמן
- 2768 - 2768 - Know by-heart Mishnayos, Tanya and Tehilim and grab every free moment to recite them.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2769 - 2769 - From good, it should get even better in your personal and communal matters.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר חיים שאול שי' ברוק
- 2770 - 2770 - As we are instructed to improve matters of holiness, may your health keep on improving.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2771 - 2771 - No need to run away, Hashem’s glory fills the world and he watches you.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד
- 2772 - 2772 - You keep on complaining that it is impossible to build a Yeshiva in Australia.כ"ט סיון, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יהושע שניאור זלמן שי' סרברינסקי
Igros Kodesh vol. 9, 5714 - Tamuz
- 2773 - 2773 - The Jewish heart is always awake for Torah, Mitzvot and redemption.א' תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר משה שי' הכהן שאיעוויטש
- 2774 - 2774 - I was not questioning the Kashrut of the Matzos rather the Hiskashrut and faith in the Rebbe.א' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2775 - 2775 - I enjoyed reading that you influenced two minyanim to say Tehilim after davening.א' תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יעקב שי' הלוי פרידמן
- 2776 - 2776 - The holy soul begins to enter at the time of the bris.א' תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שמואל שי' יאלאוו
- 2777 - 2777 - Very soon, in the days of Moshiach, we will feel terrible for missing opportunities to act.א' תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אברהם שי' פריז
- 2778 - 2778 - The Rebbe, as our head pulls us with him, but we need to be firmly attached.א' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2779 - 2779 - We have the strength to overcome the distractions and fulfill the will of the creator.ג' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2780 - 2780 - Restrained for a few moments is the fast of a Chasid, not fasting and afflicting your body.ג' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2781 - 2781 - Your yearnings for Israel should foremost be expressed by making “here” Eretz Yisroel.ג' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2782 - 2782 - The problems you are facing is due to your attempts at flattering the people.ג' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2783 - 2783 - I am in pain that it took 6 years to realize the importance of the girl’s education.ג' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2784 - 2784 - Strengthen the people who come to your hotel for physical relaxation with their spirituality.ד' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2785 - 2785 - Chasidus explains the opinions that we do not rule like them lemase.ד' תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר ניסן שי' טלושקין
- 2786 - 2786 - Eiruv in Manhattanד' תמוז, תשי"ד - מוהרי"ד שי' מאסקאוויטש
- 2787 - 2787 - Perhaps the reason you failed the test is so you acquire a higher level of Yiras Shomayimו' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2788 - 2788 - Know some chapters of Tehilim, Mishnayos and Tanya by-heart and recite them from time to timeו' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2789 - 2789 - I am shocked that in all of Haifa there are only one or two shuls Nusach Ariו' תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר גרשון שי' וזוגתו הרבנית מרת גיסיא תחי' חן
- 2790 - 2790 - As you already have a sizable deficit, the additional expense will not change your standing.ו' תמוז, תשי"ד - הנהלת הרשת דאהלי יוסף יצחק ליובאוויטש באה"ק ת"ו
- 2791 - 2791 - We will send funding for your day camp through the central administration of the Reshet.ו' תמוז, תשי"ד - הנהלת בית ספר חב"ד גבעת התמרים, יפו
- 2792 - 2792 -Find religious soldiers who serve in other camps, encourage them, and strengthen their spirit.ו' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2793 - 2793 - A shochet must be a big yerey Shomayim.ו' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2794 - 2794 - They should study Tanya and Mamorim by heart but not the letters.ו' תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר מנחם זאב שי' הלוי גרינגלס
- 2795 - 2795 - Your success even with challenges should inspire you for more effort and greater success!ז' תמוז, ה'תשי"ד - מהרש"ז שי' שז"ר
- 2796 - 2796 Hashem is the one who provides, by following his directives it will not affect their livelihoodז' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2797 - 2797 - Marriage is for a lifetime so don’t rush into accepting the first suggestion.ז' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2798 - 2798 - In our generation many say of darkness that it is light and use light to increase darknessתחלת תמוז תשי"ד - לכנסי' הגדולה של אגודת ישראל
- 2799 - 2799 Make Aliyah only to a religious community and add to your Torah s and Mitzvos as a preparationי"א תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2800 - 2800 - Since the scribe changed from the norm you should check for other mistakes in the Sefer Torahי"א תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שמואל אבא שי' סניעג
- 2801 - 2801 - Whenever and wherever you are you should remember that you studied in Yeshiva under the Rebbeי"א תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2802 - 2802 -I am hopeful that at least by some students shortening the school vacation will be accepted.תשי"ד- מוה"ר ישכר דוב שי' גורביץ
- 2803 - 2803 - From age 3, boys should have their head covered. Many start even earlier than 3.י"א תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2804 - 2804 -I am hopeful that you will not get scared of the challenges on your journey of a Torah life.י"א תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2805 - 2805 - Davening with a catheterי"ב תמוז, ה'תשי"ד - מוה"ר יצחק שי' דובאוו
- 2806 - 2806 -The prohibition of testifying falsely is even in a case that there is no loss to the defendantי"ב תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2807 - 2807 - Accept your wife’s view and have your room and kitchen together.י"ג תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2808 - 2808 - Only open a new branch if this will not take away from the existing branch.י"ג תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2809 - 2809 - This is not a favor, but rather a great privilege to teach and bring children close to Hashemי"ד תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2810 - 2810 - Only when it is legally mandatory can you put a minimum of general studies in the curriculum.ט"ו תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2811 - 2811 - I am surprised that in your son’s Bar Mitzvah derasha there was not some words of Chasidus.ט"ו תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2812 - 2812 - When the war gets more difficult you do not run away to relax, try to improve your place.ט"ו תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2813 - 2813 -Do not pay attention to those who want you to stop your learning. Torah increases Parnasaט"ו תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2814 - 2814 - I was shocked to read that you are leaving Yeshiva because of disagreements with the Hanhala.י"ח תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2815 - 2815 - As you yourself write that you are only going to be 19 and yet you challenge the Hanhalaי"ח תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2816 - 2816 - When to observe Yahrzeit when your father’s day of passing is not known?י"ח תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2817 - 2817 - In Jewish law there does not exist a punishment of imprisonment.י"ט תמוז, ה'תשי"ד
- 2818 - 2818 - You live in a city of thousands of Jews; it is not possible that there is nothing to do thereי"ט תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2819 - 2819 - As a Rabbi, you have the power to affect your community to keep the day-to-day halachos.י"ט תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2820 - 2820 - Your father follows Chabad customs and you wish to connect, you belong in a Lubavitch Yeshivaכ' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2821 - 2821 - Utilize the summer vacation and organize Shabbos parties for the girls that are youngerכ' תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2821 - 2821star - You are bitter that you did not get a fitting lot to build your house in Kefar Chabad.
- 2822 - 2822 - To verify Chabad style writing we need to have it transmitted from one person to the next.כ"א תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2823 - 2823 - Thank you for your help in establishing a high school at the Yeshiva.
- 2824 - 2824 - Realize that you have the ability to turn 350,000 Jews into Chasidim.כ"א תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2825 - 2825 -The mamer is based on Likutei Torah etc. and it can be understood based on those mamorim.כ"א תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יעקב שי' הכהן
- 2826 - 2826 - Perhaps as an incentive to increase the sale of the seforim of Kehos pay on commission.כ"ד תמוז, תשי"ד - מוהרבא"ג בנימין אליהו גורודצקי
- 2827 - 2827 -The merit of Avrohom binding Isaack is the speed with which he did it. Don’t delay your pledgeכ"ד תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2828 - 2828 -Better to have her friends talk to here so she will not think her mother is bossing her aroundכ"ד תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2829 - 2829 - Connect with that Bali Batim, make sure not to diminish the respect of the local Rabbi.כ"ה תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר סעדי' שי' ליברוב
- 2830 - 2830 - If they don’t want to pay, give them a payment plan to pay off the debt slowly.כ"ה תמוז, תשי"ד ברוקלין.
- 2831 - 2831 - A Jew with his simple faith purifies the air with his presence; this is even more with actionכ"ו תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2832 - 2832 -Reconciles the view of Alter Rebbe that no one can do harm to another if not decreed by Hashemכ"ו תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר חיים משה שי' ובר
- 2833 - 2833 - There is good even in darkness. You can turn your hospital stay to impact others positively.כ"ו תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2834 - 2834 - Dress code for the teachers is very important. A Shochet wearing goulashes was removedכ"ז תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אהרן מרדכי שי' זילברשטרום
- 2835 - 2835 - After you experienced the measure of judgment comes the measure of compassion.כ"ח תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2836 - 2836 -You should spend full time studying Torah at age 17. This will bring you financial successכ"ח תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2837 - 2837 - One good deed benefits the entire world and all the nations.כ"ח תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אברהם סענדר שי' נעמצאוו
- 2838 - 2838 - One needs to work hard from the bottom up to achieve. Do not look for handouts from above.כ"ט תמוז, תשי"ד - מוה"ר דוד מאיר שי' שולמן
- 2839 - 2839 - Not to move where there are negative influences. Hashem will provide your needs where you areכ"ט תמוז, תשי"ד
- 2840 - 2840 - As you realize that you need to become even closer to Chasidus and its ways. It is up to youכ"ט תמוז, תשי"ד
Igros Kodesh vol. 9, 5714 - Av
- 2841 - 2841 - From the depth of my heart I thank you for the manuscriptב' מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יהודא שי' שמוטקין
- 2842 - 2842 - Halachic caution with surgical treatment for enlarged prostate.ג' מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יעקב שי' הכהן מעסקין
- 2843 - 2843 - The more you trust Hashem that he will improve your future the quicker it will materialize.ג' מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2844 - 2844 - Where there is love there is blessingג' מנ"א, תשי"ד - אנ"ש והתושבים דכפר חב"ד אשר באה"ק ת"ו
- 2845 - 2845 - Best time for meeting with you children is in the month of mercy - Elulג' מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אפרים אליעזר שי' הכהן יאלעס
- 2846 - 2846 - You need not be concerned marrying a divorcee.ג' מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 284 - 284 - In response to the tragedy, find out if they follow the laws of family purity, a proper Mikvahג' מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2848 - 2848 - Follow the Torah that everyone needs to get married. Do not pay attention to the palm reader.ד' מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2849 - 2849 - If it can wait, it is best to move into your new place after the 15th of Av.ו' מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2850 - 2850 - Playing on horses is not a good idea for your son. It is a way to lose money.ו' מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2851 - 2851 - The students should continue in the educational institution even after turning 13.ו' מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2852 - 2852 - When you do community activities with an inner desire and joy, they are very successful.יו"ד מנ"א, תשי"ד - צעירי אגודת חב"ד אשר באה"ק ת"ו סניף לוד
- 2852 - 2852star - The young men coming to the USA from Israel to study were not successful.
- 2853 - 2853 -The Shpoler Zeide said he would go to the heavens with the flames burning the book of Tzadikimיו"ד מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוה"ר ישראל נח שי' בליניצקי
- 2854 - 2854 -It appears that the author avoids mentioning anything from Chabad books. Explain him 4 points.י"א מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד - מוהר"ר מנחם זאב שי' הלוי גרינלס
- 2855 - 2855 -Yeshiva students should be spending the bulk of Selichos and Tishrei in Yeshiva not at home.י"ב מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שלמה חיים שי' קסלמן
- 2856 - 2856 - Can’t find buyers for the house he bought for investment. Take in Hashem as a partner.י"ג מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוהרנ"ן
- 2857 - 2857You escaped the holocaust and saw actual miracles, certainly Hashem will provide for your familyי"ב מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2858 - 2858 The flow of blessings that the Rebbe continues to give is in the most important matters of lifeי"ג מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד
- 2859 - 2859 - You should not leave your income from your job at the Yeshiva for other work.י"ז מנ"א, ה'תשי"ד
- 2860 - 2860 - Chose the tractate to study in the Yeshiva based on the desire of the students.מוהרנ"נ שיחיה - י"ז מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד
- 2861 - 2861 -After staying up all night on shavuos the Rashab slept for some time before davening Schachrisי"ז מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד - מוהר"ר רפאל נחמן שי' הכהן כהן
- 2862 - 2862All the soldiers who received a bracha from the Rebbe and put on Teffilin daily came home safelyח"י מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד
- 2863 - 2863 - A small opening to Hashem opens up blessings as wide as the Ulam that never shut.ח"י מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד
- 2864 - 2864 - Why do you worry and cause yourself pain when you have so much to be joyful.ח"י מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד
- 2865 - 2865 - When choosing teachers you need to consider their knowledge as well as their dedication.י"ט מנ"א, ה'תשי"ד
- 2866 - 2866 - We all believe in Hashem and his servant Moshe who in our generation it is the Rebbe.י"ט מנ"א, ה'תשי"ד
- 2867 - 2867 -If you missed the daily portion of Chumash, you can make it up at night or during the week.י"ט מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד
- 2868 - 2868 Make sure to give a little more than 10 percent as our sages teach not to be exact with Tzedakaי"ט מנ"א, ה'תשי"ד
- 2869 - 2869 - For Elul, reflect and make good decisions in the relationship with Hashem and other people.כ' מנחם אב, ה'תשי"ד - אגודת נשי ובנות חב"ד סניף... ה' עליהן
- 2870 - 2870 Hashem will add thoughts of improving before Elul to the actions in Elul and will reach high upכ' מנ"א, ה'תשי"ד
- 2871 - 2871 - As a spiritual leader, you should lead by example, wear a beard, and do not try to fit in.כ"ה מנ"א, ה'תשי"ד
- 2872 - 2872 - You need to be dedicated to your studies with the exception of organizing Shabbos gatherings.כ"ה מנ"א, ה'תשי"ד
- 2873 - 2873 It is known the idea of visiting gravesites of Tzadikin as discussed at length in MInchas Elezaכ"ו מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2874 - 2874 - Forgetting is associated with lack of interest in the subject and not being careful with brisכ"ו מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2875 - 2875 - To rid yourself of disruptive thoughts, have siddur open, keep holiness of bris and language.כ"ו מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2876 - 2876 - In the Mamer you cannot say that he is speaking according to the Yerushalmi.כ"ז מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יעקב שי' הכהן מעסקין
- 2877 - 2877 - Great success in your anti-missionary work. Saving even one life is saving the world.כ"ז מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2878 - 2878 - Not going to the Mikvah should not stop one from studying Chasidus.כ"ז מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2879 - 2879 -Give the students material for the holidays, if they are not staying in school.כ"ח מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוה"ר מיכאל שי' ליפסקר
- 2880 - 2880 - Thank you for the information on the four Chasidus books, three are from the Tzemach Tzedek.כ"ח מנ"א, ה'תשי"ד - מוה"ר מיכאל שי' ווילנסקי
- 2881 - 2881 A list of students of Tomchei Temimim, those alive and those who have passed has not materializכ"ח מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוה"ר משה שי' דרייזין
- 2882 - 2882 You have the power for the effort necessary. Do not be down, study diligently you will succeed.כ"ח מנ"א, תשי"ד
- 2883 - 2883 - Not a good idea for Rabbi Zevin to make a trip to the USA.כ"ח מנ"א, תשי"ד - מוהרש"י שי' זוין
Igros Kodesh vol. 9, 5714 - Elul
- 2884 - 2884 - To strengthen your memory, study subjects you enjoy, change subjects, don’t stress your memorאדר"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2885 - 2885 - All the talk of the benefits of food without actually eating will not benefit your body.אדר"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2886 - 2886 - For Hashem’s help: Give Tzedaka, daven deliberately, use Mikvah, set time to study Chasidus.אדר"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2887 - 2887 - You must begin by actually studying Chasidus even before you understand why it is necessary.אדר"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2888 - 2888 -It seems Chabad men don’t sense the importance to organize the women and daughters of Chabad.אדר"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2889 - 2889 - Send invoice for your expenses and do not try to gain favor and be too righteous.אדר"ח אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יעקב שי' שו"ב גנצבורג
- 2890 - 2890 - Nothing to worry about the name Yehuda or Shmuel because of tzavoh of Rav Yehuda hachasid.אדר"ח אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יהודא שי' שמוטקין
- 2891 - 2891Why do you get discouraged every time there is an obstacle, the divine is in exile for over 1800אדר"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2892 - 2892 -You should be joyful, not depressed. You are of the embers that escaped the flames of the Shoa
- 2893 - 2893 -As parents I would expect that you should be supportive of your son’s decision to grow a beardא' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2894 - 2894 - Your son is studying diligently in Yeshiva, the yetzer hora is trying to stop him.א' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2895 - 2895 -Accommodate and teach the girls math and physics so they don’t leave a place of Yiras Shomayimא' אלול, ה'תשי"ד
- 2896 - 2896 - You are a descendent of the Slavita brother who suffered for Chasidus, parents merit their chב' אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שמואל אבא שי' שפירא
- 2897 - 2897 - We publish and translate kosher reading material for the youth. There is more to be done.ב' אלול, ה'תשי"ד
- 2898 - 2898 - Start by letting go of the bad conduct. Feel this in your heart not just intellectually.ב' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2899 - 2899 - A shochet and bodek are to be very big yerei Shomayim you need to add in studying Chasidus
- 2900 - 2900 - When the weather if freezing the most important thing is not to allow falling asleep.ג' אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אברהם סענדר שי' נעמצאוו
- 2901 - 2901 - Record the memories you heard in Lubavitch etc. from the history of Chasidus and Chasidim.ג' אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שניאור זלמן שי' בעזפאלאוו
- 2902 - 2902 - I am in pain that your financial difficulties are causing you spiritual difficulties.ג' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2903 - 2903 - Follow the doctor’s directives; overthinking about your health does nothing positive for you.ג' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2904 - 2904Cause of your issue is either, not being careful with speech, weakness of body, Teffilin/Mezuzotג' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2905 - 2905 - You cannot have proper education if you are not very organized, start on time etc.ד' אלול, תשי"ד - ועד כפר חב"ד, ד' עליהם יחיו
- 2906 - 2906 - Thank you for your gift the short description and the pictures of the girls attending school.ד' אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר ישכר דוב שי' גורביץ
- 2907 - 2907 - I enjoyed reading about your influence on the students/youth groups. You must teach Judaism.ד' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2908 - 2908 - Serve Hashem by challenging your animal soul not your body.ד' אלול, תשי"ד ברוקלין.
- 2909 - 2909 - To acquire the knowledge you need take part in the public classes taking place in Shul.ד' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2910 - 2910 -A Jewish body cannot tolerate non-kosher food, the damage may only be discovered later in lifeה' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2911 - 2911 - Decide locally whom to accept. The vocational school should not become an escape from Yeshivaה' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2912 - 2912 - There shall not pass 3 days without studying the inner parts of Torah.ה' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2913 - 2913 -I am shocked on the lack of trust that your fathers condition will improve in a month from nowה' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2914 - 2914 - If you will occupy your mind in Torah and Chasidus you will diminish other distractions.ה' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2915 - 2915 - Your lack of excitement in Chasidus is a test to see if you love Hashem. Do not become weak.ז' אלול, תשי"ד ברוקלין.
- 2916 - 2916 - Remove your mind from thinking about these matters, be carful to use Mikvah, study Chasidus.ז' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2917 - 2917 - It is important to have knowledgeable women teach the young women the laws of family purity.ז' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2918 - 2918 -To participate in the Torah journal it is important to know the direction of the publishers.ח' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2919 - 2919 Tell him without gloves, while the past can’t be changed every moment of the future is preciousח' אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר מאיר שלום שי' בליזינסקי
- 2920 - 2920 - Do not be discouraged, in the end we will be victorious, it will take some time.ח' אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יהושע [שניאור זלמן] שי' סרברנסקי
- 2921 - 2921 -You being more enthusiastic about the public Tanya class will add excitement to the presenter.ט' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2922 - 2922Doctors are G-D’s agents to heal not to make you feel bad. Follow directives trust in Hashem.ט' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2923 - 2923 -To rid yourself of being unsettled, delight your soul, study slowly, enjoy sweetness of Hashemי' אלול, תשי"ד
- 2924 - 2924 - Seems like there is a competition by the students who can write more letters to the Rebbe.י"א אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר שלמה חיים שי' קסלןמן
- 2925 - 2925 - The use of bunk beds in the Yeshiva is fine.י"א אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר סעדי' שי' ליברוב
- 2926 - 2926 -If you are truly interested in succeeding in Torah and Chasidus you need Naseh before Nishmah.י"א אלול, תשי"ד
- 2927 - 2927 - Start in a grand way then as our holy Rebbe’s say: the way you start so it goes.י"ד אלול, תשי"ד
- 2928 - 2928 - Noting to worry about flying with a plane as long as it has four engines.ט"ו אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר ניסן שי' נמנוב
- 2929 - 2929I can’t advise you, since you decided to injure yourself spiritually/physically by leaving Yeshiט"ו אלול, תשי"ד
- 2930 - 2930Proceed gently with love, start with the children, don’t expect drastic change, you will prevailט"ו אלול, תשי"ד
- 2931 - 2931 - Davening slowly and reflecting on a Torah thought will help improve your character traits.ט"ז אלול, תשי"ד
- 2932 - 2932 - We can only ask of Hashem for underserved kindness. We need to increase in kindness to othersט"ז אלול, תשי"ד
- 2933 - 2933 - The tricks of the Yetzer Hora trying to disrupt a young man wishing to study in Chabad.ט"ז אלול, תשי"ד
- 2934 - 2934 - Don’t be bitter, it is up to you to change. Start with 15/30 minutes study daily, stick to itח"י אלול, תשי"ד
- 2935 - 2935 - Since serving Hashem includes eating and relaxing etc. It needs to be done with simcha.ח"י אלול, תשי"ד
- 2936 - 2936 - Discussion in the laws of Eiruvinח"י אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יוסף דוד שי' מאסקאוויטש
- 2937 - 2937 Don’t rush to return the loan from the funds of the Rebbe, this may bring you blessings/successיום הבהיר ח"י אלול, ה'תשי"ד
- 2938 - 2938 - The Shalom Bayit problems are because of Tharat Hamishpacha matters not Mother-in-law.י"ט אלול, תשי"ד
- 2939 - 2939 - Don’t pray at home because people in shul are talking. Talk to them from the heart to change.י"ט אלול, תשי"ד
- 2940 - 2940 - Funding for ongoing projects should mostly be raised locally and shows community interest.כ"א אלול, תשי"ד - הנהלת צעירי אגודת חב"ד בתל אביב, ד' עליהם יחיו
- 2941 - 2941 - Chasidus is for all Jewish people so you must put ii lots of effort to increase participants.כ"ב אלול, תשי"ד
- 2942 - 2942Every Jewish person is tasked to bring to the world spiritual satisfaction through Torah/Mitzvotכ"ב אלול, ה'תשי"ד - קבוצת הנערות ב... ה' עליהן תחיינה
- 2943 - 2943 -The world is run by Hashem. Not fulfilling Hashem’s goals is damaging to the person and world.כ"ב אלול, ה'תשי"ד
- 2944 - 2944 - Remember Hashem in good times not just when something bad happens.כ"ג אלול, תשי"ד
- 2945 - 2945 - The teachers have the most important part in the Reshet and should care about its success.כ"ג אלול, תשי"ד
- 2945 - 2945star - Make sure to connect the students from Morocco making Aliyah to Chabad Yeshivos in Israelכ"ג אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר מיכאל שי'ליפסקר
- 2946 - 2946 - Having the Shechita knife checked by two shochtim is very proper.כ"ג אלול, תשי"ד
- 2947 - 2947 - Your holy work educating Jewish children is huge as you help bringing them close to Hashemכ"ג אלול, תשי"ד
- 2948 - 2948 - Increase words of Torah and Tefilah, be active in authentic Jewish education. Study Chasidus.כ"ג אלול, תשי"ד
- 2949 - 2949 - With pleasantness I received the seforim you published with your notes of the sources.כ"ד אלול, תשי"ד -מוה"ר ראובן שי' מרגליות
- 2950 - 2950 - As a leader may you impact the community as it is called “holy community” bring in holiness.כ"ד אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר חיים דוב שי' שעוועל
- 2951 - 2951 - The improvements in the Yeshivah is the means by which to increase its income.כ"ד אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר אהרן שי' גופין
- 2952 - 2952 -You say you have nothing to be happy of - Study Tanya reflect on that which brings true joy.כ"ד אלול, תשי"ד
- 2953 - 2953 Since divine providence placed you there, you have the power to turn it into a place for Hashemכ"ד אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יוסף שי' גולדשטיין
- 2954 - 2954 - Your mothers lacking in her religiosity is no reason of resentment. Try pleasant ways.כ"ה אלול, ה'תשי"ד
- 2955 - 2955 - Not to be satisfied with present accomplishments, increase the quality and number of studentsכ"ה אלול, תשי"ד - מו"ה מכלוף שי' קריספין
- 2956 - 2956 - It is very clear that the teachings of the Bal Shem Tov will reach every corner of the worldכ"ה אלול, תשי"ד - מוה"ר יהושע שניאור זלמן שי' סרברנסקי
- 2957 - 2957 -The Rabbi cannot presently return to Mexico. Find ways locally for the institution to continueכ"ה אלול, ה'תשי"ד - ועד המתעסקים בהתלמוד תורה במקסיקו יצ"ו ה' עליהם יחיו
- 2958 - 2958 -Your worries cause me pain Hashem will protect you as you protect so many spiritually.כ"ח לחדש אב הרחמים, ה'תשי"ד
- 2959 - 2959 - You can find the courage to reach out to other groups as you are an agent of Hashem.כ"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2960 - 2960 - Wig needs to cover the entire hair. You cannot trick Hashem and not even people only yourselfכ"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2961 - 2961 - The zechus for the community work is not mine bur yours and all the others who participate.כ"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2962 - 2962 - To avoid pregnancy due to health issues I am not for abstention. This can lead to bigger sinsכ"ח אלול, תשי"ד
- 2963 - 2963 -Last year people were bitterly disappointed in all the false ideals and isms. Only Torah worksימי הסליחות, ה'תשי"ד - אל אחינו ואחיותינו, בני ובנות ישראל, אשר בכל מקום ומקום, ה' עליהם יחיו
- 2964 - 2964 - There is an expectation from someone who learnt in Chabad to be active in the Chabad orchard.ערב ר"ה, תשט"ו - מוה"ר אהרן אלי' שי' גרשוני