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Likutei Sichos vol. 1 - Lech Lecha


Which is the first test that is clearly mentioned in the Torah?

Which test may have been one of the first and biggest?

Why is the ניסיון of לך לך mentioned so prominently?

Why do we say בעל כרחך אתה חי?

What is the נשמה shown before It comes down into the body?

What does ירידה צורך עליה mean?

What are the 2 opposites in the descent of the soul into the body?

What level does מארצך represent?

That is even higher than the level of?

What are the meaning of the 2 expressions of כולן מתאימות and ואב אחד לכולנה?

What does וממולדתך ומבית אביך represent?

What is the connection of מולדתך with חכמה and בינה?

חכמה is? And בינה is?

Specifically, מולדתך represents?

How does בית אביך represent בינה?

In another interpretation מולדתך includes both?

And בית אביך represents?

In the third option what do the above represent?

How are the above three levels represented in עולמות?

What letter of Hashem’s name and what ספירה shine in אצילות?

What letter of Hashem’s name and what ספירה shine in בריאה?