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Likutei Sichos vol. 15 – Vayera 1

1 What is different in the word אליו in ויאמר אליו איה שרה אשתך?

2 If there are more letters in a word doted than not dotted, then it means?

3 If there are more letters not doted, then?

4 In the word אליו there are more? So it means that we have to read it as?

5 What would איו mean that the מלאך was?

6 What can we learn from all this?

7 What is the Rebbe’s first question?

8 What is the Rebbe’s second question?

9 What is the Rebbe’s third question?

10 What is the Rebbe’s fourth question?

11 After you finish writing the Rebbe’s four questions then when you finish Sicha please write Rebbe’s answer to each question after it’s question.

12 What is the ראשי תיבות of בב"מ?

13 What does it say there that the מלאכים knew where שרה was they did not need to ask אברהם so why did they ask?

14 What is the Rebbe’s first question on this part of רש"י?

15 The Rebbe’s asks even stronger?

16 What is the second question?

17 What is the third question?

18 What is the fourth question?

19 What is the fifth question?

20 What is the sixth question?

21 What is the seventh question?

22 What is the eighth question?

23 After you finish writing the Rebbe’s eight questions then when you finish Sicha please write Rebbe’s answer to each question after it’s question.

24 The Rebbe explains that רש"י is trying to explain why it says ויאמרו and not ויאמר? Please explain.

25 This also answers question number? How?

26 How does רש"י explain ויאמרו?

27 This reasoning would apply also? But why does it not say it in the _____ Therefore רש"י explains that?

28 Does רש"י always explain the reason why there is ניקוד on letters?

29 So why does he explain it here?

30 The Rebbe explain that in order to ask about how שרה was doing it was not necessary?

31 To answer this question רש"י writes?