He was born in 5667 (1907) to Rabbi Meir Gurekhov and Mrs. Faiga Rivka in Homel, Russia. Starting in 5679 (1919), he studied at the Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva in Kremenchug and later at its branches in Kharkov and Nevel.
In 5686 (1926), he married Sonia, daughter of the Chassid Reb Eliezer Doboskin. In 5689 (1929), he was appointed as a supervisor at the Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva in Odessa, alongside Mashpia Rabbi Menachem Mendel Futerfas. After the branch closed, he settled in Kharkov with his father, Rabbi Meir Gurekhov.
In 5707 (1947), Rabbi Yaakov Yosef joined the mass exodus of Chassidim known as the "Great Escape from Russia." In 5710 (1950), he received instructions from the Rebbe to learn the craft of ritual slaughter and obtain certification. A few years later, he settled in London with his father and began working as an emissary of the Rebbe, spreading Chassidic teachings among the local Jewish community and receiving detailed guidance from the Rebbe.
In the summer of 5718 (1958), Rabbi Yaakov Yosef traveled to the Rebbe. Upon his return to London, the Rebbe asked him why he had not reported how he utilized his trip for the benefit of the community, such as by holding farbrengens (Chassidic gatherings) to share what he had heard and learned during his time with the Rebbe.
In 5742 (1982), he moved to the United States, where he lived until his passing at the age of 85 on 29 Elul 5753. He was buried at the Montefiore Cemetery in Queens, New York, near the Ohel of the Rebbe Rayatz.