Blinitzky, Yisrael Noach

בליניצקי, ישראל נח

Rabbi Yisrael Noach Blinitzky (known as "Yisrael Noach HaGadol," Nisan 1883 – 10th of Cheshvan, 1982) was one of the most prominent mashpi'im (spiritual mentors) of the last generation. He was blessed with remarkable longevity and was regarded as a venerable Chassidic figure, fully devoted to Torah study and service of Hashem. He served as an administrator in several Tomchei Tmimim yeshivas, including those in Kremenchug, Samarkand, and Brunoy. All his efforts for the Tomchei Tmimim yeshivas were done entirely voluntarily, while he earned his livelihood working as an accountant.